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The role of glaciers and glacier research in the development of U. S. national parks
Earth Sciences History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.17704/1944-6178-36.2.337
Denny M. Capps 1

ABSTRACT U.S. national parks and glacier research are inextricably linked. They are also an integral part of our history and cultural identity. For example, John Muir studied glaciers at Yosemite, Glacier Bay, and other future park areas. He measured glacier movement and recognized signs of past glaciations. Most U.S. glacier research now occurs in national parks due to the areas that they protect. Of the approximately 75,000 km2 of glacier coverage in the U.S., only 683 km2 lies outside of Alaska. Glaciers covering an area of 43,745 km2 are wholly or partly enclosed within nine Alaskan parks. 29,041 km2 occur in Wrangell-St. Elias alone. The relationship of national parks and glaciers is not mere chance. As Robert Sterling Yard said, “Geology is the anatomy of scenery”. Glaciers are responsible for the scenery and habitat of many national parks from Glacier to Glacier Bay. Here, I highlight past contributions from glacier researchers in national parks and how glaciers have shaped the foundations of many ...



摘要美国国家公园和冰川研究有着千丝万缕的联系。它们也是我们历史和文化特征的组成部分。例如,约翰·缪尔(John Muir)在优胜美地,冰川湾和其他未来公园地区研究了冰川。他测量了冰川运动并识别了过去冰川的迹象。由于受保护地区的限制,目前大多数美国冰川研究都发生在国家公园中。在美国大约75,000平方公里的冰川中,只有683平方公里位于阿拉斯加以外。覆盖面积达43745平方公里的冰川全部或部分封闭在9个阿拉斯加公园内。在Wrangell-St发生了29,041 km2。唯独埃里亚斯。国家公园和冰川之间的关系并非偶然。正如罗伯特·斯特林场(Robert Sterling Yard)所说,“地质是风景的解剖”。从冰川到冰川湾,许多国家公园的风景和栖息地都由冰川负责。在这里,我重点介绍国家公园冰川研究人员过去所做的贡献,以及冰川如何塑造了许多冰川的基础。