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Oh half-brother, where art thou? The boundaries of full- and half-sibling interaction
Demographic Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.4054/demres.2020.43.16
Linus Andersson

BACKGROUND Research indicates that both fulland half-siblingships develop enduring social relationships, if the siblings have the opportunity to interact during childhood and adolescence. OBJECTIVE To estimate: (1) how much time halfand full-siblings are exposed to each other during childhood and adolescence; (2) how half-sibling exposure is conditional on birth spacing and residency; and (3) how parents’ social vulnerability is associated with different levels of lifetime exposure to half-siblings. METHOD Swedish register data is used to calculate exposure to half-siblings based on birth spacing and registered residency for all fulland half-siblings in the 1994 birth cohort. RESULTS A substantive share of half-siblings are less exposed to each other due to lengthy birth spacing and residency patterns. By age 18, 26% of the birth cohort have had a halfsibling who is also no older than 18 for at least one year; 13% of the birth cohort have had a half-sibling who is no older than 18 for up to 10 years; 8% of the birth cohort have been registered in the same dwelling as another half-sibling for eight years or more. Parents’ social vulnerability does not predict exposure to halfsiblings among the population that has at least one half-sibling by age 18. CONCLUSION Even though half-siblings constitute a large share of all siblings, full-siblings will likely make up the vast majority of the siblingship-like relationships because so many halfsiblings are unable to interact during childhood or adolescence due to extensive age differences and/or because they do not coreside. 1 Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. Email: linus.andersson@sofi.su.se. Andersson: Oh half brother, where art thou? The boundaries for fulland half sibling interaction 432 https://www.demographic-research.org



背景研究表明,如果兄弟姐妹有机会在童年和青春期进行互动,那么全兄弟姐妹和半兄弟姐妹都会发展持久的社会关系。目的估计:(1)在儿童和青少年时期,半兄弟姐妹和全兄弟姐妹有多少时间彼此接触;(2)半兄弟姐妹的暴露如何取决于出生间隔和居住权;(3)父母的社会脆弱性如何与半兄弟姐妹一生的不同暴露水平相关联。方法采用瑞典登记数据,根据1994年出生队列中所有同胞和同母异父兄弟姐妹的出生间隔和登记居住情况计算同母异父兄弟姐妹的接触率。结果由于长期的出生间隔和居住模式,大部分同父异母的兄弟姐妹彼此之间的接触较少。到18岁,26%的出生队列中有一个同母异父的兄弟姐妹也至少一年不超过18岁。13%的出生队列中有一个同父异母的兄弟姐妹,年龄不超过18岁,且长达10年;8%的出生队列已在与另一半兄弟姐妹相同的住所中登记了八年或更长时间。父母的社会脆弱性无法预测到18岁时至少有一个同胞的人口中有同胞的结论。结论尽管同胞占所有同胞的很大一部分,但全兄弟可能会占到绝大多数。兄弟姐妹般的关系,因为如此多的同父异母的兄弟姐妹由于年龄差异和/或由于他们不在核心而无法在童年或青春期进行互动。1瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学瑞典社会科学研究所(SOFI),瑞典斯德哥尔摩。电子邮件:linus.andersson@sofi.su.se。安德森:哦,同父异母的兄弟,你在哪里?兄弟姐妹互动的边界432 https://www.demographic-research.org