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Embracing gender equality: Gender-role attitudes among second-generation immigrants in Norway
Demographic Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.4054/demres.2020.42.14
Ragni Hege Kitterød , Marjan Nadim

Background: The consequences of immigration for gender equality is of high public concern. A key issue is to what extent the children of immigrants adopt the more gender-egalitarian work–family attitudes and practices prevalent in the societies where they have grown up. Objective: This study examines the support for gender-equal work–family practices among second-generation immigrants in Norway, a country with high gender-equality ambitions. We analyze attitudes toward the role of both genders in the family and the labor market among descendants of Sri Lankan, Vietnamese, Turkish, and Pakistani origin, and make comparisons with the majority population and same-age immigrants. Methods: Cross-sectional data (N = 1,049/586 for descendants/immigrants) comes from the Survey on living conditions among persons with an immigrant background 2016 in Norway. Results: Second-generation immigrants embrace the ideas of the working mother, shared breadwinning, and shared care to the same extent as the majority population, but express somewhat more support for the homemaker role. There are few consistent dividing lines among descendants, although women express more gender-egalitarian attitudes than men, and men of Pakistani origin are less supportive than other male descendants. Religiosity and the composition of the friendship network matter for some groups. Descendants express slightly more gender-egalitarian work–family attitudes than same-age immigrants. Contribution: This study reveals that second-generation immigrants in Norway express overwhelming support for the dual-earner/dual-carer family model, suggesting that exposure to a gender-egalitarian institutional and cultural context is important in shaping gender-role attitudes post migration.



背景:移民对两性平等的影响引起了公众的高度关注。一个关键问题是,移民子女在多大程度上采用了两性平等的工作方式,即他们所成长的社会中普遍存在的家庭态度和习俗。目标:这项研究探讨了挪威这个性别平等抱负很高的国家对第二代移民在两性平等工作家庭中的支持。我们分析了斯里兰卡,越南,土耳其和巴基斯坦血统的后代对家庭和劳动力市场中性别角色的态度,并与大多数人口和同龄移民进行了比较。方法:横断面数据(后代/移民的N = 1,049 / 586)来自于2016年挪威有移民背景的人的生活状况调查。结果:第二代移民接受了工作母亲的想法,分享了养家糊口,并在与大多数人口相同的程度上分享了照顾,但对家庭主妇的作用表示更多支持。尽管女性比男性表现出更多的性别平等态度,但在后代之间几乎没有一贯的分界线,而来自巴基斯坦的男性比其他男性后代的支持要少。宗教信仰和友谊网络的组成对于某些群体来说很重要。后裔比同龄移民表达出更多的性别平等工作-家庭态度。贡献:这项研究表明,挪威的第二代移民对双重收入/双重照顾家庭模式表示了压倒性的支持,