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Russia's Nuclear Weapons in a Multipolar World: Guarantors of Sovereignty, Great Power Status & More
Daedalus ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1162/daed_a_01788
Anya Loukianova Fink , Olga Oliker

At a time of technological and political change in the international security environment, Russia continues to view nuclear weapons as guarantors of peace and security among great powers. Nuclear weapons also assure Russia's own great-power status and mitigate uncertainty in an emerging multipolar order. In a world where the United States pursues improved missile defense capabilities and appears to reject mutual vulnerability as a stabilizing factor, Moscow views its modernized nuclear arsenal as essential to deter Washington from a possible attack on Russia or coercive threats against it. Some elites in Russia would like to preserve existing arms control arrangements or negotiate new ones to mitigate a weakening infrastructure of strategic stability. At the same time, however, they seem skeptical that the United States is willing to compromise or deal with Russia as an equal. Meanwhile, multilateral arms control appears to be too complex a proposition for the time being.



在国际安全环境发生技术和政治变革之际,俄罗斯继续将核武器视为大国之间和平与安全的保证者。核武器还可以确保俄罗斯拥有自己的大国地位,并减轻新兴多极秩序中的不确定性。在美国追求改善的导弹防御能力并拒绝将相互脆弱性视为稳定因素的世界上,莫斯科认为其现代化的核武库对于阻止华盛顿可能对俄罗斯发动攻击或对其施加强制性威胁至关重要。俄罗斯的一些精英人士希望保留现有的军备控制安排或谈判新的安排,以减轻战略稳定基础设施的薄弱环节。但是同时 他们似乎对美国是否愿意平等地与俄罗斯妥协或对俄持怀疑态度。同时,目前多边军备控制的建议似乎过于复杂。