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We Don’t Need Another Hero: A Personal Celebration of Meaghan Morris
Cultural Studies Review Pub Date : 2018-04-20 , DOI: 10.5130/csr.v24i1.5967
Graeme Turner

It was a great pleasure and an honour to be asked to contribute to the Meaghan Morris Festival at the University of Sydney in 2016, to acknowledge and celebrate Meaghan Morris’s foundational contribution to cultural studies in Australia, and internationally. What follows is, more or less, what I said at the time. For many years now, Meaghan has been my most valued colleague in cultural studies; she has been the firmest of friends, and a doughty comrade-in-arms for a critical, politically engaged and explicitly located cultural studies. I have to admit, though, that our relationship didn’t begin all that well. I first met Meaghan Morris when we were both speaking at the now legendary Cultural Studies Now and In The Future conference that Larry Grossberg hosted at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in 1990. Meaghan was already an international star by then, and her presence at this event is evident to anyone who reads the book which came from that conference.


我们不需要另一个英雄:Meaghan Morris的个人庆祝活动

荣幸地被邀请为悉尼大学2016年的Meaghan Morris艺术节做出贡献,以表彰和庆祝Meaghan Morris对澳大利亚和国际文化研究的基础性贡献,这是我的荣幸。接下来的内容或多或少是我当时所说的。多年来,Meaghan一直是我在文化研究中最有价值的同事。她一直是最坚定的朋友,并且是进行批判性,政治参与和明确定位的文化研究的坚韧同志。不过,我必须承认,我们的关系并没有很好地开始。我第一次见到Meaghan Morris是在1990年拉里·格罗斯伯格(Larry Grossberg)在伊利诺伊大学厄本那-厄巴纳分校主持的如今颇具传奇色彩的“现在和将来的文化研究”会议上讲话时。