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Where the Sidewalk Ends: Automobility and Shame in Tbilisi, Georgia
Cultural Anthropology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-21 , DOI: 10.14506/ca33.3.07
Perry Maxfield Waldman Sherouse

In recent years, cars have steadily colonized the sidewalks in downtown Tbilisi. By driving and parking on sidewalks, vehicles have reshaped public space and placed pedestrian life at risk. A variety of social actors coordinate sidewalk affairs in the city, including the local government, a private company called CT Park, and a fleet of self-appointed st’aianshik’ebi (parking attendants) who direct drivers into parking spots for spare change. Pedestrian activists have challenged the automotive conquest of footpaths in innovative ways, including art installations, social media protests, and the fashioning of ad hoc physical barriers. By safeguarding sidewalks against cars, activists assert ideals for public space that are predicated on sharp boundaries between sidewalk and street, pedestrian and machine, citizen and commodity. Politicians and activists alike connect the sharpness of such boundaries to an imagined Europe. Georgia’s parking culture thus reflects not only local configurations of power among the many interests clamoring for the space of the sidewalk, but also global hierarchies of value that form meaningful distinctions and aspirational horizons in debates over urban public space. Against the dismal frictions of an expanding car system, social actors mobilize the idioms of freedom and shame to reinterpret and repartition the public/private distinction.



近年来,汽车在第比利斯市中心的人行道上稳步殖民。通过在人行道上开车和停车,车辆重塑了公共空间并使行人生命处于危险之中。各种各样的社会行为者在城市中协调人行道事务,包括地方政府,一家名为CT Park的私人公司以及一群自命的st'aianshik'ebi(停车服务员),他们将驾驶员引导到停车位进行零钱更换。行人激进主义者以创新的方式挑战了汽车征服人行道的方式,包括艺术装置,社交媒体抗议以及特殊的物理屏障的形成。维权人士通过保护人行道免受汽车侵害,主张在人行道与街道,行人与机器,市民与商品之间的鲜明界限上建立公共空间的理想。政治家和激进主义者都将这种边界的锋利性与想象中的欧洲联系起来。因此,佐治亚州的停车文化不仅反映了在争夺人行道空间而引起的众多利益中的局部权力配置,而且还反映了在城市公共空间辩论中形成有意义的区别和理想视野的全球价值等级。面对不断扩展的汽车系统的痛苦摩擦,社会参与者动员了自由和羞耻的习语,以重新解释和划分公共/私人区别。而且,在城市公共空间辩论中,全球价值等级构成了有意义的区别和理想视野。面对不断扩展的汽车系统的痛苦摩擦,社会参与者动员了自由和羞耻的习语,以重新解释和划分公共/私人区别。而且,在城市公共空间辩论中,全球价值等级构成了有意义的区别和理想视野。面对不断扩展的汽车系统的痛苦摩擦,社会参与者动员了自由和羞耻的习语,以重新解释和划分公共/私人区别。