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Le mouvement étudiant québécois des années 1960 et ses relations avec le mouvement international. La dynamique Québec – Canada – États-Unis – France.
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-26 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.1.br14
Joel Belliveau 1

was once secretly called sigint via the ever-growing Communications Security Establishment make the surveillance capacities of the Canadian state and its Five Eyes partners vastly more penetrative than the Cold War rcmp ss could have hoped for or dreamed of. The final substantive chapter of Just Watch Us, “The Paradox of the Mountie Bounty,” provides a thoughtful and provocative discussion of atip and its utility for historical research. The authors provide a significant service to the profession by raising a series of ethical questions concerning the secrecy of the state, the privacy of surveillance targets, and the role of informants. While I do not agree with all of their suggestions, especially in the area of privacy, the issues they identify are worthy of extensive discussion. Above all, their exposure of the ever-increasing inadequacies of the antiquated atip legislation, further threatened by Trudeau Jr’s so-called reforms, demands serious lobbying efforts by the Canadian Historical Association and other heritage organizations. gregory s. kealey University of New Brunswick



曾经通过不断增长的通信安全机构秘密地称为sigint,这使得加拿大国家及其五眼合作伙伴的监视能力比冷战rcmp s希望或梦想的具有更大的渗透力。《 Just Watch Us》的最后一个实质性章节是“ Mountie Bounty的悖论”,它对atip及其在历史研究中的作用进行了深思熟虑的讨论。作者提出了一系列有关国家保密,监视目标的隐私以及举报人的角色的道德问题,从而为该行业提供了重要服务。虽然我不同意他们的所有建议,尤其是在隐私领域,但他们确定的问题值得广泛讨论。首先,他们暴露于过时的atip立法的日益严重的不足,再加上特鲁多(Trudeau Jr)所谓的改革的进一步威胁,要求加拿大历史协会和其他遗产组织进行认真的游说努力。格里高利 凯利新不伦瑞克大学