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The Constant Liberal: Pierre Trudeau, Organized Labour, and the Canadian Social Democratic Left.
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-26 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.1.br17
John English 1

A concluding theme in Exhibiting Nation is the need to allow minority groups the opportunity to become stakeholders in the interpretation of their own cultures. Gordon-Walker acknowledges the difficulties of a fully collaborative approach, noting the financial constraints of many Canadian museums, even those that receive significant amounts of government funding and income from admission fees. This discussion will become increasingly relevant with the rise of artifact repatriation efforts, the integration of minority and Indigenous care practices in the handling of specific items, and the efforts of organizations such as Parks Canada to commemorate minority cultures and groups. Overall, Exhibiting Nation is an accessible book that contextualizes prominent Canadian institutions within the established study of museology, making it an academic contribution that has been long overdue. Its case study approach will be valuable to both curators and academics seeking to understand how representation and interpretation can impact community subjects and stakeholders. cody groat Wilfrid Laurier University


不断的自由主义者:皮埃尔·特鲁多(Pierre Trudeau),有组织的劳工和加拿大社会民主左翼。

“展览民族”的一个总结主题是需要让少数群体有机会成为解释其自身文化的利益相关者。戈登·沃克(Gordon-Walker)承认采用完全协作方法的困难,并指出了许多加拿大博物馆的财政拮据,甚至包括那些获得了大量政府资金和门票收入的博物馆。随着人工制品遣返工作,少数群体和土著护理实践在处理特定物品方面的整合以及加拿大公园等组织为纪念少数族裔文化和群体而做出的努力,这种讨论将变得越来越重要。总体而言,《 Exhibiting Nation》是一本易于使用的书,它结合了已建立的博物馆学研究中加拿大著名机构的背景,使其早已逾期的学术贡献。它的案例研究方法对于试图了解代表性和解释方式如何影响社区主题和利益相关者的策展人和学者都将是有价值的。科迪·格林特(Wildrid Laurier University)