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The Secret History of rdx: The Super-Explosive That Helped Win World War II
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.2.br10.en
Sarah-Jane Corke 1

home and in the broader culture. Anne MacLennan and Michael Windover understand well how the earlier material could build to this invitation to consider radio as more than an ephemeral series of moments. Radio was a physical presence. Modernity’s subtle pressure to reckon with technological transformations, embracing them or remaining outside of them, is one of the primary ideas that this piece evokes, intentionally or not. To reject radio programs as worthless or to find little of value in the social act of listening were options not often taken up. Far more likely was the annexation of homes and mental space among listeners for whom radio became necessary in any “up-to-date” home. Family schedules were rearranged as effectively as living rooms to suit Jack Benny and the Happy Gang. Having written about the history of broadcasting in Canada, I was relieved to see that the exhibit planners and the authors of this guide shared my rough periodization of radio’s golden age – that is, the time up to about 1956. This by no means makes us right, but it does correspond with the time before television saturated the bulk of Canadian households, and, in that sense, it is a plausible place to make a temporal division. The creators of this collection have done admirable work, which physicists might envy, in showing us how radio functioned as an invisible wave and as a collection of visible particles in the home. len kuffert University of Manitoba



家庭和更广泛的文化。安妮·麦克伦南(Anne MacLennan)和迈克尔·温德韦(Michael Windover)很好地理解了早期的材料如何应对此邀请的考虑,将广播视为一个短暂的时刻。广播是物理存在。现代性考虑技术变革,接受或保留在技术变革之外的微妙压力,是本文有意或无意唤起的主要思想之一。拒绝广播节目毫无价值,或者在收听的社交行为中发现很少的价值,这是很少采用的选择。在任何“最新”家庭中,广播成为必要的听众中,房屋和精神空间的兼并可能性更大。家庭日程安排和客厅一样有效地进行了调整,以适应杰克·本尼和快乐帮派。写了加拿大广播的历史,令我感到欣慰的是,展览策划者和本指南的作者分享了我对电台黄金时代的粗略分期-即大约1956年的时间。这绝对不是对的,但确实与之前的时间相对应。电视使加拿大大部分家庭饱和,从这个意义上讲,它是进行时间划分的合理场所。这个集合的创造者做了令人钦佩的工作,物理学家们可能会羡慕不已,向我们展示了无线电是如何作为不可见波和家庭中可见粒子的集合起作用的。伦·库菲特·曼尼托巴大学 但这确实与电视使加拿大大部分家庭饱和之前的时间相对应,从这个意义上讲,这是进行时间划分的合理位置。这个集合的创造者做了令人钦佩的工作,物理学家们可能会羡慕不已,向我们展示了无线电是如何作为不可见波和家庭中可见粒子的集合起作用的。伦·库菲特·曼尼托巴大学 但这确实与电视使加拿大大部分家庭饱和之前的时间相对应,从这个意义上讲,这是进行时间划分的合理位置。这个集合的创造者做了令人钦佩的工作,物理学家们可能会羡慕不已,向我们展示了无线电是如何作为不可见波和家庭中可见粒子的集合起作用的。伦·库菲特·曼尼托巴大学