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Alutiiq Subsistence Economy at Igvak , a Russian-American Artel in the Kodiak Archipelago
Arctic Anthropology Pub Date : 2016-02-01 , DOI: 10.3368/aa.53.2.52
Michael A. Etnier , Megan A. Partlow , Nora R. Foster

Igvak was a Russian-American Company fur-hunting outpost (artel) on the south end of Afognak Island that was occupied from the 1790s to about 1830. Midden samples were recovered from deposits adjacent to the Alutiiq workers’ barracks as part of the Dig Afognak program. Although small amounts of European domesticates were identified, the bulk of the diet focused on traditional local foods. The dominant species included cod, harbor seals, and puffins, with a mix of intertidal invertebrates such as mussels, butter clams, and periwinkles. Also common were salmon, cormorants, sea otters, and sea lions. A single species of whale barnacle was identified. The high number of puffin remains may be related to the production of puffin-skin parkas for the Russian-American Company. The site was likely occupied year-round, but the presence of the bones of harbor seal pups and puffin and cormorant chicks confirms a summer occupation.



伊格瓦克(Igvak)是位于Afognak岛南端的一家俄美公司皮草狩猎哨所(artel),从1790年代到1830年左右被占领。作为Dig Afognak一部分,从Alutiiq工人军营附近的沉积物中回收了Midden样本。程序。尽管确定了少量的欧洲人家禽,但大部分饮食都集中在传统的当地食品上。优势物种包括鳕鱼,斑海豹和海雀,以及潮间无脊椎动物,例如贻贝,奶油蛤和长春花。鲑鱼,cor,海獭和海狮也很常见。鉴定了单一种类的鲸鱼藤壶。大量的海雀残骸可能与俄罗斯-美国公司生产的海雀皮大衣有关。该网站可能全年都在使用,