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Aleut Ethnography in Transition: In Memory of Dorothy Jones
Arctic Anthropology Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.3368/aa.54.1.61
Katherine L. Reedy , Marie E. Lowe

This paper honors the memory of Dorothy Jones (1923–2015), an Alaska scholar who conducted ethnographic research in the Aleutians between 1969 and 1976. The authors contextualize Jones’s and their own work within the history of ethnography in the Aleutians which began with Ioann Veniaminov’s 1840 Notes on the Islands of the Unalaska District to the autoethnographic perspective of indigenous students and scholars today. Using Jones’s work as a point of departure, the paper critically examines changes in the enterprise of ethnography and the contemporary limits of the methodology. Jones’s work, in particular, exposes why anthropologists currently face those limitations but also highlights the important historical record created by past ethnographers.


转型中的Aleut民族志:纪念Dorothy Jones

本文是对多萝西·琼斯(Dorothy Jones,1923-2015年)的记忆,他是阿拉斯加人,在1969年至1976年间在阿留申群岛进行人种学研究。作者将琼斯及其本人的工作与阿留申人种的民族史联系起来,后者始于约安·韦尼米诺夫(Ioann Veniaminov) 1840年在Unalaska区的岛屿上的注释,今天的土著学生和学者的民族志学观点。本文以琼斯的工作为出发点,批判性地考察了人种学事业的变化以及方法学的当代局限性。琼斯的著作尤其揭示了人类学家为何当前面临这些局限性,同时也强调了过去的民族志学家创造的重要历史记录。