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Ice, Seals, and Guns: Late 19th-Century Alaska Native Commercial Sealing in Southeast Alaska
Arctic Anthropology Pub Date : 2016-02-01 , DOI: 10.3368/aa.53.2.11
Aron L. Crowell

Starting in about 1870, indigenous residents of southeast Alaska intensified their traditional hunting of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in order to produce surpluses of skins and oil for trade with the Alaska Commercial Company. The most important hunting ground was the head of Yakutat Bay, where thousands of seals were taken annually in June and July at the ice floe rookery near Hubbard Glacier and processed on shore at Keik’uliyáa sealing camp. Firearms obtained in trade were essential tools for mass harvesting. A multisource study of Keik’uliyáa and the historical ecology of 19th-century sealing at Yakutat was undertaken during 2011 and 2013 by the Smithsonian Institution in collaboration with the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe, employing oral history, archaeology, archival sources, and photographic documentation from the 1899 Harriman Alaska Expedition. Economic, social, and ecological dimensions of this historical mode of production are examined and compared with both earlier and later eras.



从1870年左右开始,阿拉斯加东南部的土著居民加强了对海豹(Phoca vitulina richardii)的传统狩猎,以生产剩余的皮和油,以便与阿拉斯加商业公司进行贸易。最重要的狩猎场是亚库塔特湾(Yakutat Bay)的首领,每年6月和7月在哈伯德冰川附近的浮冰场捕获数千只海豹,并在Keik'uliyáa密封营地的岸上进行加工。贸易中获得的枪支是大规模收获的重要工具。史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)与雅库特·特林吉特部落(Yakutat Tlingit Tribe)合作,于2011年和2013年对雅库塔特的Keik'uliyáa和19世纪海豹的历史生态学进行了多源研究,采用口述历史,考古学,档案资料,和1899年哈里曼阿拉斯加探险队的摄影文件。研究了这种历史生产方式的经济,社会和生态方面,并将其与早期和晚期进行了比较。