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At the Mountains' Altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community by Frank Salomon
Anthropological Quarterly ( IF 0.853 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/anq.2019.0040
Catherine J. Allen

A the Mountains’ Altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community, the latest addition to Frank Salomon’s distinguished oeuvre, continues a trajectory beginning in the 1970s with ethnohistorical research on Inka-period polities in Ecuador (cf. Salomon 2009). Next came the monumental annotated translation from Quechua of the colonial Huarochirí Manuscript (Salomon and Urioste 1991). Fascinated by Huarochirí’s mythic landscape, Salomon turned his research interests to the ethnography and historiography of this mountainous region in the Peruvian province of Lima. In 1994, in the village of Tupicocha, he happened upon an anthropological gold mine—a full set of patrimonial khipus, complex string devices of the type used to administer the Inca’s far flung empire. These Tupicocha khipus—unique in the Andean ethnographic record for their complexity and degree of preservation—became the subject of his next book. In The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (2004), Salomon draws on a broad swath of semiotic theory to contextualize the khipus within the social organization and dynamics of village life. Intrigued by the persistence of khipus in a contemporary context dominated by alphabetic literacy, Salomon teamed up with sociolinguist Mercedes Niño-Murcía to explore how “two pristinely different graphic technologies” have interacted to produce a distinctly local tradition of writing in the villages of the Huarochirí region (Salomon and Niño-Murcía 2011:83). The Lettered Mountain: A Peruvian Village’s Way with Writing (Salomon and Niño-Murcía 2011), provides a fascinating look at grassroots literacy and the performative contexts in which it occurs.


在山的祭坛上:弗兰克·所罗门(Frank Salomon)的安第斯社区宗教人类学

《山脉的祭坛:安第斯社区的宗教人类学》是弗兰克·所罗门杰出作品的最新作品,它延续了 1970 年代开始的轨迹,对厄瓜多尔印加时期的政治进行了民族历史研究(参见 Salomon 2009)。接下来是殖民时期的瓦罗奇里手稿 (Salomon and Urioste 1991) 的克丘亚语的巨大注释翻译。萨洛蒙对华罗奇里的神话景观着迷,将他的研究兴趣转向秘鲁利马省这个山区的民族志和历史学。1994 年,在图皮科查 (Tupicocha) 村,他偶然发现了一个人类学金矿——一套完整的世袭奇普,一种用于管理印加遥远帝国的复杂弦线装置。这些图皮科查奇普(Tupicocha khipus)——因其复杂性和保存程度在安第斯民族志记录中是独一无二的——成为他下一本书的主题。在 The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (2004) 中,所罗门借鉴了广泛的符号学理论,将 Khipus 置于社会组织和村庄生活动态中的情境中。对奇普在以字母识字为主的当代语境中的持久性很感兴趣,所罗门与社会语言学家梅赛德斯·尼诺-穆尔西亚合作,探索“两种完全不同的图形技术”如何相互作用,从而在华罗奇里村产生了一种独特的当地写作传统地区(所罗门和尼诺-穆尔西亚 2011:83)。字母山:秘鲁村庄的写作之路(Salomon and Niño-Murcía 2011),