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EXPRESS: Philosophical minds or Brotgelerhte?
Organization Studies ( IF 5.524 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0170840621989002
Mats Alvesson 1 , Katja Einola 2 , Stephan Schaefer 3

In this essay, we discuss basic orientations and ways of being among us, the academics, especially in the context of research. Using German poet, scholar and author Friedrich Schiller’s distinction between ‘der philosophische Kopf’ (‘philosophical mind’) and ‘Brotgelehrte’ (‘bread-fed scholar’), we contrast ideal-typical figures in academia. We find these forgotten 18th century characters inspirational to help us understand some troublesome contemporary developments of academics and academia and to remind us of the perhaps perennial nature of the ongoing controversies and debates. We further develop and nuance these figures and bring them to the 21st century. Like Schiller in his time, we want to highlight the importance of each of us in shaping what academia is and what it becomes. The contrast may help us think through who we are, what is driving us in our work, and how we can (re)construct ourselves in the light of dominant normalizations and templates for being in contemporary academia.



在本文中,我们讨论了学者之间的基本取向和存在方式,尤其是在研究方面。利用德国诗人,学者和作家弗里德里希·席勒(Friedrich Schiller)对“哲学哲学”(“哲学思想”)和“面包学者”(Brotgelehrte)(“面包学者”)之间的区分,我们在学术界对比了理想典型人物。我们发现这些被遗忘的18世纪人物具有启发性,可以帮助我们了解学者和学术界当前的一些麻烦发展,并提醒我们不断发生的争论和辩论的长期特征。我们进一步发展和细化了这些数字,并将它们带入了21世纪。像席勒(Schiller)时代一样,我们想强调我们每个人在塑造什么是学术界以及它成为什么样的过程中的重要性。对比可以帮助我们思考自己是谁,
