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The Adventure of the Stradivarius: Violins in the Work of Arthur Conan Doyle and William Crawford Honeyman
Journal of Victorian Culture ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-14 , DOI: 10.1093/jvcult/vcaa024
Rachael Durkin 1

The violin, despite its fleeting appearances in the stories of Sherlock Holmes, has become prominently associated with the character of Sherlock in modern TV and film adaptions. While the violin is never investigated by Holmes in the stories, it is represented in more depth in a precursory detective story by William Crawford Honeyman: a Scottish author-musician, whose work appears to have influenced Arthur Conan Doyle’s tales of Sherlock Holmes. Honeyman’s short story ‘The Romance of a Real Cremona’ (1884) follows detective James McGovan as he traces and returns a stolen Stradivari violin and unravels its complex provenance. The importance of the violin’s inclusion in fictional works has been little discussed in scholarship. Here, the texts of Doyle and Honeyman serve as a lens through which to analyse the meaning of the violin during the Victorian era. By analysing the violin from an organological perspective, this article examines the violin’s prominence in nineteenth-century British domestic music-making, both as a fiscally and culturally valuable object. The final section of the article explores the meaning attached to, and created by, the violin in the stories of Doyle and Honeyman.



尽管小提琴在夏洛克·福尔摩斯的故事中短暂出现,但在现代电视和电影改编中已与夏洛克的性格显着相关。虽然福尔摩斯从未在故事中对小提琴进行过调查,但威廉·克劳福德·霍尼曼(William Crawford Honeyman)是苏格兰作家音乐人威廉·克劳福德·霍尼曼(William Crawford Honeyman)的先驱侦探小说中更深入地介绍了这本书,他的作品似乎影响了阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle)的《福尔摩斯探案》故事。霍尼曼(Honeyman)的短篇小说《真正的克雷莫纳的浪漫曲》(The Romance of a Real Cremona)(1884年)跟随侦探詹姆斯·麦克高文(James McGovan)追踪并归还失窃的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴,并阐明了其复杂的出处。在学术界很少讨论将小提琴包含在小说作品中的重要性。这里,杜伊尔(Doyle)和霍尼曼(Honeyman)的文字成为分析维多利亚时代的小提琴含义的镜头。通过从器官学的角度分析小提琴,本文考察了小提琴在19世纪英国家庭音乐制作中的重要性,既作为财政上的又是文化上有价值的对象。本文的最后一部分探讨了小提琴在道尔和霍尼曼的故事中所附加和创造的意义。