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Reading Literacy Practices in Norwegian Lower-Secondary Classrooms: Examining the Patterns of Teacher Questions
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1869078
Camilla Gudmundsdatter Magnusson 1


We know from previous research that teacher questions can influence reading comprehension development; however, we know less about the reading processes that are required of students through the use of questions. The present study examines teacher questions on texts reviewed during whole class reading comprehension instruction across 51 lessons in 26 Norwegian eight-grade language arts classrooms. Through video observations, the study (a) identifies text-dependent vs. otherwise text-related teacher questions, (b) deductively examines frequency patterns of text-dependent questions based on three reading literacy processes: locating information, understanding, and reflecting/evaluating, and (c) examines the relative time allocated to various question-response literacy interactions arising from text-dependent teacher questions. Findings showed that teachers mostly asked questions that required students to interpret or reflect, while they hardly asked any questions that required students to assess the quality and credibility of texts. Implications for the development of reading literacy proficiency required in today’s society are discussed.




从以往的研究中我们知道,教师提问会影响阅读理解的发展;然而,我们对学生通过提问所要求的阅读过程知之甚少。本研究在 26 个挪威八年级语言艺术教室的 51 节课中检查了教师在全班阅读理解教学期间复习的课文问题。通过视频观察,该研究 (a) 确定了与文本相关的与其他与文本相关的教师问题,(b) 基于三个阅读素养过程演绎地检查了与文本相关的问题的频率模式:定位信息、理解和反映/评估, 和 (c) 检查分配给由依赖于文本的教师问题引起的各种问答读写交互的相对时间。调查结果显示,教师大多提出要求学生解释或反思的问题,而很少提出要求学生评估课文质量和可信度的问题。讨论了对当今社会所需的阅读素养发展的影响。
