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Migrations of young spotted seals (Phoca largha) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan/East Sea, and the pattern of their use of seasonal habitats
PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244232
Alexey M Trukhin 1 , Peter A Permyakov 1 , Sergey D Ryazanov 1 , Vyacheslav B Lobanov 1 , Hyun Woo Kim 2 , Young Min Choi 2 , Hawsun Sohn 2

We studied the migrations of young spotted seals during their annual cycle. In May 2017, we attached satellite tags (SPOT-293A) to three individuals (two underyearlings and one yearling) captured at their breeding ground in Peter the Great Bay, western Sea of Japan/East Sea. The operational time of the installed tags ranged from 207 to 333 days; a total of 27195 locations were uploaded. All three seals migrated east and further north along the coast of the mainland. The average daily migration speed of the seals ranged between 70 and 135 km/day. The yearling moved faster than the underyearlings. During early August, they arrived at their summer habitats, which were located in the northern part of the Tatar Strait (Sea of Japan/East Sea) for the underyearling seals and in Aniva Bay (Sea of Okhotsk) for the yearling seal. While moving from the place of tagging to the summer feeding grounds, the seals covered a distance of 2300 to 3100 km. From August to October, each seal permanently stayed within the same isolated area. The reverse migration of all three seals began in November. When the seals traveled south, they used the same routes by which they had moved north in the spring, but they moved at a faster speed. By December, two seals returned to their natal islands, where both stayed until their transmitters stopped sending signals (in March 2018).


日本海/东海彼得大帝湾幼年斑海豹 (Phoca largha) 的迁徙及其季节性栖息地的利用模式

我们研究了幼年斑海豹在其年度周期中的迁徙情况。2017 年 5 月,我们将卫星标签 (SPOT-293A) 贴在在日本海西部/东海彼得大帝湾繁殖地捕获的三只个体(两只一岁以下和一只一岁)身上。已安装标签的运行时间为207至333天;总共上传了 27195 个位置。所有三只海豹都沿着大陆海岸向东和更北的地方迁徙。海豹的平均每日迁徙速度在 70 至 135 公里/天之间。一岁鸽比一岁以下的鸽子移动得更快。八月初,它们到达了夏季栖息地,对于一岁海豹来说,这些栖息地位于鞑靼海峡(日本海/东海)北部,对于一岁海豹来说,位于阿尼瓦湾(鄂霍次克海)。海豹从标记地点到夏季觅食地的行程为2300至3100公里。从八月到十月,每只海豹都永久地呆在同一个隔离区域内。三只海豹的逆向迁徙从十一月开始。当海豹向南迁徙时,它们所走的路线与春季向北迁徙时的路线相同,但移动速度更快。到了 12 月,两只海豹返回了它们的出生岛屿,并一直呆在那里直到它们的发射器停止发送信号(2018 年 3 月)。
