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An Important Afro-Asian Biological Control Agent, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Invades the New World
Annals of the Entomological Society of America ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1093/aesa/saaa055
Zoe Mandese 1 , Katherine L Taylor 1, 2 , Peter Duelli 3 , Adrien Gallou 4, 5 , Charles S Henry 1

Climates around the world are rapidly turning warmer and often drier. Agricultural approaches must change accordingly. One important global practice is commercial use of cryptic species of the Chrysoperla carnea-group of green lacewings to control arthropod pests. Recently, one highly drought-tolerant species, originally present only in the Old World, is suspected of expanding its range to some of the driest habitats in the New World. Here we examine putative specimens of this species, Chrysoperla zastrowi (Esben-Petersen, 1928), collected in the desert southwest of the United States, the parched northwest of Mexico, and Guatemala. Using species-specific vibrational duetting-song phenotypes, subtle morphological character states, and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we confirm that C. zastrowi is now a naturalized part of the lacewing fauna of the Americas, making it the only species of the carnea-group to have a truly global range. As such, we encourage its broader commercial use for pest control on irrigated agricultural systems in the hotter, drier regions of the world to which it is best adapted and within which it now appears to be fully naturalized. We briefly consider future range expansion of both subspecies of C. zastrowi, C. z. zastrowi, and C. z. sillemi, in response to continued global warming.


一个重要的亚非生物控制剂,Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae)入侵新世界。

世界各地的气候都在迅速变暖,而且常常更干燥。农业方法必须相应地改变。全球重要的实践之一是商业使用角菜(Chrysoperla carnea)的隐性物种-绿色lace群来控制节肢动物害虫。最近,一种原本只存在于旧大陆的高度耐旱的物种被怀疑将其范围扩大到了新大陆的一些最干旱的栖息地。在这里,我们检查了该物种的推定标本Chrysoperla zastrowi(Esben-Petersen,1928年),该标本采集于美国西南部沙漠,墨西哥西北部炎热的墨西哥和危地马拉。使用特定于物种的振动二重唱表型,细微的形态特征状态和线粒体DNA序列,我们确认C. zastrowi现在是美洲蛉动物的归化部分,使其成为唯一的物种吉祥草-group有一个真正的全球范围。因此,我们鼓励将其更广泛地用于在世界上最热,更干燥的地区的灌溉农业系统上进行害虫防治,这种方法最适合该方法,并且现在似乎已经完全归化。我们简要考虑C. zastrowiC. z。的两个亚种的未来范围扩展zastrowiC. z。sillemi,以应对持续的全球变暖。