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High-resolution hydrodynamic modelling to study year-round circulations and inter-basin exchanges in Lake Winnipeg
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.12.004
Jun Zhao , Reza Valipour , Luis F. León , Yerubandi R. Rao

A new high-resolution (500 × 500 m), three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to Lake Winnipeg to study summer and winter water circulation, temperature, and ice-cover during 2016–17. The model was run with a combination of buoy-based observations and the outputs from the Global Environmental Multiscale model forcing. Four primary riverine inflows and two outflows were considered in the model. The bathymetry from a previous study by the authors was revised using a 2018 survey covering the South Basin and the Narrows. Comparisons of this new model with the previous model setup (2 km resolution) show noticeable improvements in all simulated parameters. In the Narrows, where seiche-driven flows have predominant oscillation periods of ~27 h and ~17 h, the RMSE of simulated currents is 0.1 m s−1, half of that of the previous simulations. The new model was able to reasonably simulate the spatial development of ice-cover over the lake. The ice-free period circulation results show that there are two clockwise and counterclockwise gyres in the North Basin, and a weak seasonal clockwise gyre in the South Basin. Monthly circulation patterns differ from those during short wind events due to spatiotemporal variability of wind patterns. The materials from the Red and the Winnipeg Rivers need ~50 days to reach the Narrows before transported from the South Basin to the North Basin. The daily inter-basin exchange flow oscillations during the ice-free period can range up to ~3.5 × 104 m3 s−1, while under-ice daily exchanges are always northwards with values depending on inflowing riverine discharge up to ~0.5 × 104 m3 s−1.



一种新的高分辨率(500 × 500 m)三维水动力模型应用于温尼伯湖,研究 2016-17 年夏季和冬季的水循环、温度和冰盖。该模型结合了基于浮标的观测和全球环境多尺度模型强迫的输出。模型中考虑了四个主要河流流入和两个流出。作者先前研究中的水深测量是使用 2018 年涵盖南部盆地和狭窄地区的调查进行了修订。将此新模型与之前的模型设置(2 公里分辨率)进行比较,显示所有模拟参数都有显着改进。在狭窄的地方,seiche 驱动的流动具有~27 小时和~17 小时的主要振荡周期,模拟电流的均方根误差为 0.1 m s -1,是之前模拟的一半。新模型能够合理模拟湖上冰盖的空间发展。无冰期环流结果表明,北盆地有两个顺时针和逆时针环流,南盆地有一个弱的季节性顺时针环流。由于风模式的时空变化,月环流模式与短风事件期间的环流模式不同。来自红河和温尼伯河的材料需要约 50 天才能到达狭窄地区,然后才能从南盆地运输到北盆地。无冰期的日流域间交换流量波动可达~3.5 × 10 4 m 3 s -1,而冰下的每日交换总是向北,其值取决于流入的河流排放量高达 ~0.5 × 10 4  m 3  s -1
