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A classification of Broken Hill-type deposits: A critical review
Ore Geology Reviews ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103935
Paul G. Spry , Graham S. Teale

Broken Hill Hill-type Pb-Zn-Ag (BHT) deposits constitute some of the largest and highest grade ore deposits in the world. The Broken Hill deposit, Australia, is the largest accumulation of Pb, Zn, and Ag on Earth and the Cannington deposit is among the largest silver deposits. Characteristic features of BHT deposits include: 1. High Pb + Zn + Ag values; 2. Metamorphism from upper greenschist to granulite facies; 3. Sulfides in Paleoprotorozoic oxidized clastic metasedimentary host rocks in the absence of metamorphosed carbonates/calcsilicate horizons; 4. Sulfides that are spatially associated with bimodal (felsic and mafic) intrusive and volcanic rocks, and stratabound gahnite- and garnet-bearing rocks and iron formations, 5. Stacked orebodies with characteristic Pb:Zn:Ag ratios and skarn-like (generally pyroxenoid dominated) Fe-Mn-Ca-F gangue assemblages, and the presence of Cu, Au, Bi, As, and Sb; 6. Sulfur-poor assemblages, 7. A spatial relationship to continental rifts. 8. A spatial association with alteration zones despite previous proposals to the contrary, and 9. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides generally centered around zero per mil.

Previous classification schemes of BHT deposits have included deposits that are hosted in marbles/calc-silicates, however this is inappropriate because the type example of this class of deposit (Broken Hill) is not hosted in marble or calc-silicate rocks. Multiple deposits have previously been proposed in the literature as BHT deposits but of the larger deposits (i.e., ~2 Mt or greater), only deposits in the Diamantina Orogen in eastern Australia, which includes those in the three major Proterozoic provinces (Curnamona, Georgetown Inlier, Eastern Succession of the Mt. Isa Inler) are considered to be BHT deposits (Broken Hill, Cannington, Mount Misery (Chloe and Jackson), Pegmont, and Pinnacles). Within the Curnamona Province, which hosts hundreds of minor BHT deposits, there are some occurrences that resemble BHT deposits but can be sub-classified into Parnell- and Corruga-types. Several deposits that have previously been referred to as BHT deposits are instead metamorphosed clastic sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX), marble/calc-silicate-hosted SEDEX, Bergslagen-type bedded, stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag rich mineralization hosted in rhyolitic ash-siltstone (SAS-type)/stratabound volcanic-associated, limestone-skarn (SVALS-type), or are transitional deposits between BHT and these metamorphosed classes of deposits. Although the non-sulfide zinc deposits at Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey, have been considered in the past as possible non-sulfide versions of BHT deposits they do have some affinities to BHT deposits but are essentially Pb-, Ag- and S-free carbonate-hosted SEDEX deposits. In addition, the Menninnie Pb-Zn deposit, South Australia, is not a BHT deposit since mineralization formed post-peak metamorphism.



碎山丘陵型铅锌银(BHT)矿床是世界上一些最大,最高品位的矿床。澳大利亚的布罗肯希尔(Broken Hill)矿床是地球上铅,锌和银的最大堆积物,坎宁顿矿床是最大的银矿床之一。BHT沉积物的特征包括:1.高Pb + Zn + Ag值;2.从上部绿片岩到花岗石相的变质作用;3.在没有变质的碳酸盐/钙硅酸盐层位的情况下,古生界氧化碎屑沉积沉积主岩中的硫化物;4.在空间上与双峰(长英质和镁铁质)侵入性和火山岩以及地层结合的轻铁和石榴石的岩石和铁地层相关的硫化物,5.具有特征性Pb:Zn的堆积矿体:Ag比和矽卡岩样(通常由吡咯烷样占主导)的Fe-Mn-Ca-F脉石组合,以及Cu,Au,Bi,As和Sb的存在;6.含硫量低的组合,7.与大陆裂谷的空间关系。8.尽管有先前提出的相反建议,但仍与蚀变带有空间联系,并且9.硫化物的硫同位素组成通常居于零/密耳附近。

以前的BHT矿床分类方案包括大理石/钙硅酸盐岩中的矿床,但是这是不合适的,因为此类矿床(破碎山)的类型示例不存在于大理石或钙硅酸盐岩中。文献中先前曾提出过多种沉积物作为BHT沉积物,但较大的沉积物(即〜2 Mt或更大),仅在澳大利亚东部的Diamantina Orogen沉积物中,其中包括在三个元古生界(Curnamona,Georgetown) Inlier地区,Isa Inler山的东部演替被认为是BHT矿床(Broken Hill,Cannington,Mount Misery(Chloe和Jackson),Pegmont和Pinnacles)。在拥有数百个小型BHT矿床的Curnamona省,有一些类似BHT沉积物的事件,但可以细分为Parnell型和Corruga型。以前被称为BHT矿床的几种矿床是变质碎屑沉积呼出气(SEDEX),大理石/钙硅酸盐沉积的SEDEX,流纹粉煤灰粉砂岩中储藏的Bergslagen型层状,层状Zn-Pb-Ag富矿( SAS型)/与火山结合的地层结合的灰岩-矽卡岩(SVALS型),或者是BHT与这些变质类型的沉积物之间的过渡沉积物。尽管过去曾认为新泽西州富兰克林和斯特林山的非硫化物锌矿床可能是非硫化物形式的BHT矿床,但它们确实对BHT矿床有一定亲和力,但本质上是Pb-,Ag-和S-免费的碳酸盐托管的SEDEX矿床。此外,
