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Depositional architecture and evolution of basin-floor fan systems since the Late Miocene in the Northwest Sub-Basin, South China Sea
Marine and Petroleum Geology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104803
Hui Chen , Dorrik A.V. Stow , Xinong Xie , Jianye Ren , Kainan Mao , Ya Gao , Beichen Chen , Wenyan Zhang , Thomas Vandorpe , David Van Rooij

The sediment budget of the Northwest Sub-basin, South China Sea since the Late Miocene (11.6 Ma, average thickness > 1000 m) accounts for more than two-thirds of the total infill since the initial ocean spreading of the sub-basin (32 Ma). The sediment sources and architectural pattern of these deposits, however, are poorly known. Using high-resolution 2D reflection seismic data with age constraint from IODP boreholes, we have documented two interdigitating basin-floor fan systems that developed since the Late Miocene. These were fed by two of the largest deep-water canyon systems worldwide, from the west (the Central Canyon/Xisha Trough) and the northeast (the Pearl River Canyon), as well as from smaller headless canyons and gullies across the surrounding slopes. Based on careful analysis of seismic facies, their geometry and occurrence, we identify the principal deep-water architectural elements, including the multi-scale channels, channel-levee complexes, lobes, sheets and drapes, mass-transport deposits, volcanic intrusions, turbidity-current sediment-wave fields, and a contourite drift/terrace.

Tentative reconstructions show that the development of these Late Miocene-Quaternary basin-floor fan systems was dominated by changes of sediment supply. The Xisha fan reached its largest extent during the Late Miocene, while the Pearl River fan was most active during the Late Miocene to Quaternary. During the Late Miocene, both the conduits of the Central Canyon and the Pearl River Canyon were active with abundant sediment supply, generating the two incipient fan systems. Sediment supply from the west via the Central Canyon persisted throughout the Late Miocene, being coarser-grained than that of the Pearl River fan. With the demise of the Central Canyon during the Pliocene and consequent sharp decrease in sediment supply, the Xisha fan size reduced significantly. By contrast, supply of mud-rich sediments from the Pearl River and northern slope increased through the Pliocene and into the Quaternary, leading to the modern sedimentary pattern of interdigitating basin-floor fans. Insights into the evolution of sediment supply and fan development through time derived in this study contribute to a better understanding of how source to sink systems feed marginal oceanic basins such as the South China Sea.



自中新世末期以来,南海西北次盆地自中新世晚期以来的沉积物预算(11.6 Ma,平均厚度> 1000 m)占总充填量的三分之二以上(32)嘛)。然而,这些沉积物的沉积物来源和建筑模式知之甚少。使用受IODP井眼年龄限制的高分辨率2D反射地震数据,我们记录了自中新世以来形成的两个相互交叉的盆地-地面扇系统。这些是由世界上两个最大的深水峡谷系统提供的,它们来自西部(中央峡谷/西沙海槽)和东北(珠江峡谷),以及较小的无头峡谷和跨沟壑的沟壑。在仔细分析地震相,其几何形状和发生之后,

