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Comparative study of lightning climatology and the role of meteorological parameters over the Himalayan region
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105527
Narayan Prasad Damase , Trisanu Banik , Bapan Paul , Kumarjit Saha , Shriram Sharma , Barin Kumar De , Anirban Guha

Lightning activities are distributed asymmetrically over the globe. Satellite images show that the Himalayan region is one of the prone zones of lightning activity. We do not understand such an uneven distribution of lightning activities as of today. To elaborate on the present-day understanding of lightning flashes over the Himalayan region, we have analyzed various atmospheric factors in association with Lightning Flash Density (LFD). For this purpose, we divided the Himalayan Range into three sections, namely, eastern, middle, and the western Himalayas. We explored the possible association of monthly mean Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Surface Air Temperature (SAT), thermodynamic temperature of the top of the cloud; Cloud Top Temperature (CTT), Relative Humidity (RH), and Specific Humidity (SH) with LFD over the three sections of the Himalayan range. We observed that CAPE and SAT play a vital role in creating instability over that region. In contrast, moderate moisture (i.e., RH) is the most suitable condition for lightning activities over all three sections. The analysis shows that 50–60% RH at 700hpa is the most favorable condition for lightning over the Himalayan region.



