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Stochastic dynamic model analysis of the effect of stocking density on the monosex production of male redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus reared in commercial gravel-lined ponds
Aquaculture ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736351
José Naranjo-Páramo , Alfredo Hernández-Llamas , Mayra Vargas-Mendieta , Humberto Villarreal-Colmenares

The potential for commercial Australian redclaw crayfish culture is considered very significate. However, information on maximization of pond carrying capacity that provides consistent production of commercial sizes is limited. A stochastic model was used to study the dynamics of commercial male redclaw production in 2500 m2 gravel-lined ponds with continuous aeration, when reared at 1, 2, 4, and 6 pre-adults m−2. After 119 days, the individual weight ranged from 80.9 to 90.5 g, survival averaged 74.0%, yields varied from 0.68 to 3.2 ton ha−1, depending on density, and the feed conversion ratio fell within the 0.75–0.87 range, indicating good production performance of male redclaw when compared with other reports. Three commercial whole-body size ranges were considered for evaluation: 40–60, 61–90 and over 90 g. The commercial category including males weighing 90 g or more was the most productive in terms of biomass, followed by the groups integrated by 61–90 and 40–60 g individuals. Production distributions inferred using the stochastic model resulted in mean yields approximating the crops in the database, with differences ranging from 0.9–7.1% and coefficient of variation values from 0.03 (1 m−2) to 0.81 (6 m−2) indicating higher uncertainty in the expected production at the highest density. The random variability of the 40–60 category and mean individual weight during rearing were the main factors affecting yields. We conclude that it is feasible to produce up to 3.2 ton ha−1 male redclaw crayfish in gravel-lined ponds, and that the stochastic model is useful for redclaw production analysis, establishing the relationships among commercial categories from a dynamic perspective, and to identify and assess production variability.


放养密度对商品砾石池塘中饲养的雄性爪小龙虾Cherax quadricarinatus单性繁殖影响的随机动力学模型分析

商业化的澳大利亚红爪小龙虾养殖的潜力被认为非常重要。然而,关于最大化池塘承载能力以提供稳定的商业规模生产的信息是有限的。当在1、2、4和6个成年前成年m -2饲养时,使用随机模型研究2500 m 2砾石衬砌池塘中连续通风的商业雄性红爪鱼的生产动态。119天后,个体重量为80.9至90.5 g,平均存活率为74.0%,单产为0.68至3.2吨公顷-1,取决于密度,饲料转化率在0.75-0.87范围内,表明与其他报道相比,雄性红爪的生产性能良好。考虑了三种商业化的全身尺寸范围:40-60、61-90和90 g以上。就生物量而言,包括体重在90克或以上的雄性在内的商业类别生产力最高,其次是61–90和40–60 g个体整合的群体。使用随机模型推断的产量分布导致平均产量接近数据库中的农作物,差异范围为0.9–7.1%,变异系数值从0.03(1 m -2)到0.81(6 m -2))表示在最高密度下预期产量的不确定性更高。影响产量的主要因素是40–60类的随机变异性和饲养期间的平均个体体重。我们得出结论,在砾石衬砌的池塘中生产多达3.2吨ha -1的雄性红爪小龙虾是可行的,并且该随机模型可用于红爪产量分析,从动态角度建立商业类别之间的关系并识别并评估生产差异。
