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Intraguild predation in three generalist predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1186/s41938-020-00355-5
Faten M. Momen , Amira Abdel-Khalek

The predatory mites, Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), N. barkeri (Hughes), and Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, are important predators attacking many insect and mite pests. They can coexist in the same habitat and engage in intraguild predation (IGP). IGP was assessed among the exotic one N. californicus and the native species N. barkeri and A. swirskii as Intraguild predator (IG-predator)/intraguild prey (IG-prey) in either absence or presence of extra-guild prey Tetranychus urticae Koch (EG-prey). In the laboratory, the physiological parameters, longevity, fecundity, and predation rate of these predatory mites’ females, fed on EG-prey, were evaluated, where phytoseiid larvae are considered as (IG-prey) or combined IG-prey with EG-prey. All predatory species consumed larval stages of each other’s, but in case of N. californicus, females failed to sustain oviposition on N. barkeri larvae. Also, it was noticed that N. californicus females killed 3 times more A. swirskii larvae than N. barkeri larvae, whereas A. swirskii consumed more N. californicus than N. barkeri larvae, respectively. Neoseiulus californicus lived longer on T. urticae and A. swirskii larvae than on N. barkeri, while the latter survived longer on T. urticae only than on the other prey or with combinations with T. urticae. Amblyseius swirskii lived shorter when fed exclusively on T. urticae or IG-prey than on EG-prey combined with IG-prey. In choice experiments, N. californicus showed a higher preference to consume more T. urticae than any of phytoseiid larvae. The comparison between T. urticae and IG-prey diets definite the higher influence of T. urticae on the fecundity in N. californicus and N. barkeri than on IG-prey, whereas in A. swirskii fecundity was as equal on T. urticae as on IG-prey N. californicus larvae. A. swirskii seemed to be the strongest IG-predator.



捕食性螨,Neoseiulus californicus(McGregor),N。barkeri(Hughes)和Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot是攻击许多昆虫和螨虫的重要食肉动物。它们可以共存于相同的栖息地并从事公会内捕食(IGP)。在有或没有公会外部猎物Tetranychus urticae Koch的情况下,对IGP进行了评估,其中一种为外来猪笼草,另一种为N. barkeri和A. swirskii作为公会内捕食者(IG-predator)/公会内猎物(IG-prey)。 (EG猎物)。在实验室中,评估了这些捕食性螨类雌性以EG猎物为食的生理参数,寿命,繁殖力和捕食率,其中将植物性幼虫视为(IG猎物)或将IG猎物与EG-混合猎物。所有捕食性物种都消耗彼此的幼体阶段,但如果是加州猪笼草,雌性不能维持巴克猪笼草幼虫的产卵。此外,还注意到,加利福尼亚猪笼草的女性杀死的沙门氏菌幼虫比巴尔克猪笼草的幼虫多3倍,而瑞士猪笼草的加利福尼亚猪笼草的杀虫量比巴尔克猪笼草的幼虫多。加利福尼亚新孢子虫在荨麻疹和A. swirskii幼虫上的寿命比在巴氏猪笼草上更长,而后者在荨麻疹上的存活时间仅长于其他猎物或与荨麻疹的组合。完全以荨麻疹或IG猎物为食时,Amblyseius swirskii的寿命要短于结合IG猎物的EG猎物。在选择实验中,比任何植物杀伤性幼虫都更愿意食用加州猪笼草。荨麻疹和IG猎物饮食之间的比较确定了荨麻疹对加利福尼亚州立猪笼草和北部加利福尼亚州的繁殖力的较高影响。barkeri的繁殖力要比IG-猎物高,而A. swirskii的繁殖力与IG-猎物N. californicus幼虫一样。A. swirskii似乎是最强的IG掠食者。