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Dynamics of methane and other greenhouse gases flux in forest ecosystems in China
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2020.1866931
Jingjing Zhuang 1 , Yu Tian 2


The article examines an important problem of studying greenhouse gas emissions in forest ecosystems. The CH4 emission and absorption dynamics in the soil have been studied based on the physical–chemical and microbiological analysis of forest products. The changes in forest methanogenesis in relation concerning the value of the hydrothermal coefficient have been examined. It was established that the most intensive emission of greenhouse gases was observed within the value of the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) of 1.8 … 2. For soils with the HTC value of <1.3, almost no increase in greenhouse gases level was observed. It was found that fluctuations of methane levels in soil were seasonal. Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed sufficient convergence of the results. Thus, the determination coefficient of the obtained results was R2 > 0.7, the Pearson criterion – χ2 ∼ 1, and the Student’s t-criterion >0.8. The results showed that methane is almost completely absorbed by forest soils, while CO2 and N2O are released into the atmosphere. Laboratory studies of soil’s adsorption capacity relative to hydrocarbon under dynamic conditions have been performed and it has been established that soils with a high composition of organic matter showed significantly higher absorption capacity in comparison with sandy and clayey soils.
