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Steel Research International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1002/srin.202000655

Dear Readers,

In our first issue we usually take the opportunity to look back and we summarize developments and experiences oft last year. 2020 surprised us with unexpected challenges and changes first and foremost caused by the global pandemic. Worldwide travel restrictions and lockdowns necessitated substantial realignments of the way we work and communicate. This did not only affect our editorial team but even more so the researchers and authors who publish in steel research international. Despite all technical and practical obstacles, we are very proud that this journal was able to prosper even further. We are now sharing the most important trends in steel research with you for the 95th year and in the face of the pandemic the last year was very successful.

Our submission numbers as well as the number of published manuscripts continue to increase. We are also observing a continuous growth of open access publications. While in 2018 about 2% of the articles were published open access in steel research international and 8% in 2019, more than 25% of our authors chose open access in 2020. We are delighted by the fact that these developments are accompanied by a continuously rising impact factor. Accordingly, the journal received the highest‐ever impact factor in 2020 (see Figure 1).

Figure 1
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Journal impact factors (Source: Web of Science) 2004 to 2019.

We intent to be a global and highly international platform and so we would like to highlight the fact that we received submissions from 42 different countries in 2020. For comparison there were only 33 contributing countries in 2019. While most accepted articles have their source in China we see a higher percentage and more equal distribution in other countries now. Figure 2 illustrates the acceptance numbers from the most contributing countries.

Figure 2
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Relative acceptance numbers of the fifteen most contributing countries in 2019 and 2020 (as of November). *For better illustration, acceptance numbers for China were scaled down to 50%.

Last year, we published several very interesting special issues starting with “Tooling 2019”, guest‐edited by Christoph Broeckmann, and recently “Highlights from ESTAD 2019”, guest‐edited by Wolfgang Bleck and Hans Bodo Lüngen, as well as “K1‐MET—Competence in advanced metallurgical and environmental process development” by Johannes Schenk and Thomas Bürgler. These special issues were certainly one but not the only reason that the overall number of downloads and read accesses also further increased. Table 1 shows the most accessed articles in 2020. The high access‐rate is a strong indicator that these manuscripts will certainly have a substantial scientific impact in the future. At the same time, the overall article downloads increased by about 20% in steel research international last year. This further emphasizes the continuing interest of the scientific community.

Table 1. Most accessed manuscripts in 2020
Author Title Year
D. Spreitzer, J. Schenk Reduction of Iron Oxides with Hydrogen‐A Review 2019
M. Sharma, I. Ortlepp, W. Bleck Boron in Heat‐Treatable Steels: A Review 2019
J. Kunz, J. Saewe, S. Herzog, A. Kaletsch, J. Henrich Schleifenbaum, C. Broeckmann Mechanical Properties of High‐Speed Steel AISI M50 Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion 2020
M. Vahman, M. Shamanian, M. A. Golozar, A. Jalali, M. A. Sarmadi, J. Kangazian The Effect of Welding Heat Input on the Structure‐Property Relationship of a New Grade Super Duplex Stainless Steel 2020
A. Z. Ghadi, M. S. Valipour, S. M. Vahedi, H. Y. Sohn A Review on the Modeling of Gaseous Reduction of Iron Oxide Pellets 2020
J. Platl, H. Leitner, C. Turk, R. Schnitzer Determination of Martensite Start Temperature of High‐Speed Steels Based on Thermodynamic Calculations 2020
V.‐V. Visuri, T. Vuolio, T. Haas, T. Fabritius A Review of Modeling Hot Metal Desulfurization 2020
S. Fries, S. Genilke, M. B. Wilms, M. Seimann, A. Weisheit, A. Kaletsch, T. Bergs, J. H. Schleifenbaum, C. Broeckmann Laser‐Based Additive Manufacturing of WC‐Co with High‐Temperature Powder Bed Preheating 2020
C. Q. Zhou, A. K. Silaen, T. Okosun Review on Computational Modeling and Visualization of the Ironmaking Blast Furnace at Purdue University Northwest 2019
E. K. Ramasetti, V.‐V. Visuri, P. Sulasalmi, R. Mattila, T. Fabritius Modeling of the Effect of the Gas Flow Rate on the Fluid Flow and Open‐Eye Formation in a Water Model of a Steelmaking Ladle 2019

Moreover, last year has seen further exciting developments for our journal. Several very renowned leaders in steel research joined our International Advisory Board. We are looking forward to future collaboration and we are convinced that they will further raise the standards and quality in this journal. We welcome our eleven new International Advisory Board members:

  • Göran Carlsson, Rosvik, Sweden

  • Mingxin Huang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • Haiwen Luo, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

  • Hans Jürgen Maier, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

  • Rodolfo Morales, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico

  • Astrid Perlade, ArcelorMittal Maizières, France

  • Ulrich Prahl, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

  • Mirko Schaper, Paderborn University, Germany

  • Thomas Steinparzer, Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Linz, Austria

  • Sebastian Weber, Ruhr‐University Bochum, Germany

  • Chenn Zhou, Purdue University, Hammond, USA

Towards the end of last year, we simplified the submission and transfer process for authors. steel research international and its sister journals now have a single concise set of article types. The most notable change is the discontinuation of the article types “Communication” and “Full Paper,” which are replaced by “Research Article” and can contain original research studies of any length. More information on the article types can be found in our author guidelines.

We believe this is a significant step towards making life easier for our authors, readers and reviewers as it greatly reduces the need for formatting in general and reformatting after transfer to a sister journal.

The ongoing success story of the journal would not be possible without support from its community. We would like to thank all board members, reviewers, readers, and authors for their ongoing support and interest in steel research international.

Looking forward to a new and successful year 2021 that will hopefully not be clouded by the global pandemic.

  • Sandra Kalveram (Editor‐in‐Chief) and Ulf Scheffler (Editor)
