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A survey of the external morphology, internal oral morphology, chondrocranium and hyobranchial apparatus of Elachistocleis larvae Parker, 1927 (Anura, Microhylidae)
Journal of Morphology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21318
Johnny S Ferreira 1 , Luiz N Weber 2

The external morphology, internal oral morphology, the chondrocranium and the hyobranchial apparatus of Elachistocleis bumbameuboi, E. cf. piauiensis, E. cesarii and E. bicolor are described and compared with each other and with other species of microhylids using available descriptions from the literature. The general morphology of Elachistocleis species is conservative in many aspects. Differences between species are subtle and are found in the body shape, the edge of the snout, fin height, if the lateral line is evident, the presence of regular pustules in the buccal roof arena, the posterolateral edge of the cartilago suprarostralis, the shape of the fenestra in the occipital region, presence or absence of fenestra hypophysea, the margin of the processus antorbitalis, expansions in the ventrolateral process, the shape and inclination of the fenestra subocularis, whether the subotic process is single or slightly bifid, and the inclination of the processus anterolateralis hyalis.


对 Elachistocleis 幼虫 Parker 的外部形态、内部口腔形态、软骨头骨和猪鳃器的调查,1927(Anura,Microhylidae)

Elachistocleis bumbameuboi 的外部形态、内部口腔形态、软骨头骨和猪鳃器,E. cf. piauiensis、E. cesarii 和 E. bicolor 被描述并使用文献中可用的描述相互比较,并与其他种类的 microhylids 进行比较。Elachistocleis 物种的一般形态在许多方面都是保守的。物种之间的差异是细微的,可以在体型、口鼻部的边缘、鳍的高度、如果侧线很明显、颊顶区域存在规则脓疱、软骨的后外侧边缘、形状枕部窗孔的情况,垂体窗孔的存在与否,眶前突的边缘,腹外侧突的扩张,