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Seizing control: How dense granule effector proteins enable Toxoplasma to take charge
Molecular Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1111/mmi.14679
Michael W Panas 1 , John C Boothroyd 1

Control of the host cell is crucial to the Apicomplexan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, while it grows intracellularly. To achieve this goal, these single‐celled eukaryotes export a series of effector proteins from organelles known as “dense granules” that interfere with normal cellular processes and responses to invasion. While some effectors are found attached to the outer surface of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) in which Toxoplasma tachyzoites reside, others are found in the host cell's cytoplasm and yet others make their way into the host nucleus, where they alter host transcription. Among the processes that are severely altered are innate immune responses, host cell cycle, and association with host organelles. The ways in which these crucial processes are altered through the coordinated action of a large collection of effectors is as elegant as it is complex, and is the central focus of the following review; we also discuss the recent advances in our understanding of how dense granule effector proteins are trafficked out of the PV.



当顶复门寄生虫弓形虫在细胞内生长时,宿主细胞的控制对其至关重要。为了实现这一目标,这些单细胞真核生物从被称为“致密颗粒”的细胞器中输出一系列效应蛋白,干扰正常的细胞过程和对入侵的反应。虽然一些效应子被发现附着在弓形虫速殖子所在的寄生液泡(PV)的外表面,但其他效应子存在于宿主细胞的细胞质中,还有一些效应子进入宿主细胞核,在那里它们改变宿主转录。严重改变的过程包括先天免疫反应、宿主细胞周期以及与宿主细胞器的关联。通过大量效应器的协调行动来改变这些关键过程的方式既优雅又复杂,并且是以下评论的中心焦点;我们还讨论了我们对颗粒效应蛋白如何从 PV 中运输出来的稠密理解的最新进展。