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Primitive, proper power, and Seifert curves in the boundary of a genus two handlebody
Topology and its Applications ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2020.107581
Sungmo Kang

A simple closed curve α in the boundary of a genus two handlebody H is primitive if adding a 2-handle to H along α yields a solid torus. If adding a 2-handle to H along α yields a Seifert-fibered space and not a solid torus, the curve is called Seifert. If α is disjoint from an essential separating disk in H, does not bound a disk in H, and is not primitive in H, then it is said to be proper power.

As one of the background papers of the classification project of hyperbolic primitive/Seifert knots in S3 whose complete list is given by Berge and the author [4], this paper classifies primitive, proper power, and Seifert curves in terms of R-R diagrams. In other words, we provide up to equivalence all possible R-R diagrams of such curves. Furthermore, we further classify all possible R-R diagrams of proper power curves with respect to an arbitrary complete set of cutting disks of a genus two handlebody.




作为双曲本原/ Seifert结分类项目的背景论文之一。 小号3其完整清单由Berge和作者[4]给出,本文根据RR图对原始曲线,适当的功率曲线和Seifert曲线进行了分类。换句话说,我们提供了等效的所有此类曲线的RR图。此外,我们针对属两个手柄体的任意完整切割盘,进一步分类了适当功率曲线的所有可能的RR图。
