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Cross-jurisdictional insights from forest practitioners on novel climate-adaptive options for Canada’s forests
Regional Environmental Change ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10113-020-01733-3
Guillaume Peterson St-Laurent , Robert Kozak , Shannon Hagerman

Forest practitioners play a key role in the development and implementation of novel interventions to respond to climate change in forests. However, little is known about how this group perceives climate change adaptation, let alone novel interventions. Understanding how practitioners evaluate and weigh the risks of climate change for forests, their levels and patterns of support for different climate-adaptive interventions, and their views about key factors to consider in implementing novel interventions, is essential for understanding how and why different forest jurisdictions are responding to climate change. Using a comparative case study of three Canadian provinces—Alberta, British Columbia, and Québec—we use an online survey to quantify the judgments of forest practitioners (n = 531) as above. We focus on assisted migration (AM), a climate-adaptive reforestation option that involves the intentional movement of tree species to more suitable areas within or outside of natural range based on climatic projections and genomic information. Overall, we find widespread support for AM across all three provinces, with more support for AM within as compared with outside of natural range. The central challenges of implementing AM are primarily perceived to be technical (e.g., climate projections, ecological data, and modeling), with other factors (e.g., economic viability, capacity and willingness of the forest sector, public opinion) being of secondary concern. While perceptions and patterns of support vary by province, our findings suggest that forest practitioners are embracing novel reforestation practices such as AM in response to new realities brought about by climate change.



森林从业者在开发和实施应对森林气候变化的新干预措施中发挥着关键作用。然而,关于这个群体如何看待气候变化适应的知之甚少,更不用说新颖的干预了。了解从业者如何评估和权衡森林气候变化的风险,他们对不同气候适应性干预措施的支持水平和模式,以及他们对实施新干预措施时应考虑的关键因素的看法,对于理解不同森林管辖区的方式和原因至关重要正在应对气候变化。通过对加拿大三个省份(阿尔伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省和魁北克省)的比较案例研究,我们使用在线调查来量化森林从业者的判断(n = 531)。我们专注于辅助迁移(AM),这是一种气候适应性的植树造林方案,其中涉及根据气候预测和基因组信息有意将树木种移动到自然范围内或之外的更合适区域。总体而言,我们发现在所有三个省份中对AM的支持广泛,与自然范围以外的地区相比,对AM的支持更多。实施AM的主要挑战主要是技术上的(例如气候预测,生态数据和模型),而其他因素(例如经济可行性,林业部门的能力和意愿,公众舆论)则成为次要关注的问题。虽然支持的看法和方式因省而异,
