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Morphological and anatomical changes in Lilium cv. Arcachon in response to plant growth regulators
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s13580-020-00319-6
Karina Torres-Pio , Gumercindo H. De la Cruz-Guzmán , Ma. de Lourdes Arévalo-Galarza , Silvia Aguilar-Rodríguez , Dalia Grego-Valencia , Alberto Arriaga-Frías , Manuel Mandujano-Piña

The effect of five concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA 3 ), benzyladenine (BA) and paclobutrazol (PBZ) on the morphology and anatomy of Lilium cv. Arcachon was evaluated. To this end, bulbs were immersed for 24 h with five different concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100 or 200 mg L −1 ) of GA 3 , BA, or PBZ. Then the treated bulbs were immediately sown in 2.5 L pots containing tezontle. Pots containing bulbs were randomly distributed, kept under greenhouse conditions, and watered with Steiner solution. Morphological and anatomical traits were evaluated at the flowering phase. The results showed that height (85.3 cm), number of leaves (79.7), and leaf area (743.3 cm 2 ) were not modified by GA 3 , but they diminished in response to BA. In contrast, stems were 80% smaller in response to PBZ but, did not affect the number of flower blooms. The biomass of bulbs (27.6 g) raised by 32 and 48% in response to BA and PBZ, respectively. The number of vascular bundles and shoot phloem area was similar in all treatments, whereas the number of vessel elements increased by 69% when compared with control plants (62 mm 2 vessels). The length of epidermal cells in the leaves decreased between 30 and 48% in response to both GA 3 and BA, whereas no effects were observed in response to PBZ. Mesophyll width was greater by applying PBZ. Finally, PBZ at 25 mg L −1 is enough to reduce the size of stems and improve their appearance as pot plants. Whereas PBZ affects significantly the size of the stems, the BA provoked bud abortion. This research shows in detail how the growth regulators modified the anatomy of the stems and leaves as well as the roots development in Lilium cv. Arcachon plants.


百合品种的形态和解剖学变化。Arcachon 响应植物生长调节剂

五种浓度的赤霉酸 (GA 3 )、苄基腺嘌呤 (BA) 和多效唑 (PBZ) 对百合形态和解剖结构的影响。阿卡雄进行了评估。为此,将灯泡用五种不同浓度(0、25、50、100 或 200 mg L -1 )的 GA 3 、BA 或 PBZ 浸泡 24 小时。然后将处理过的球茎立即播种在含有 tezontle 的 2.5 L 盆中。装有球茎的花盆随机分布,保持在温室条件下,并用 Steiner 溶液浇水。在开花期评估形态学和解剖学特征。结果表明高度(85.3 cm)、叶数(79.7)和叶面积(743.3 cm 2 )没有被GA 3 改变,但它们响应BA而减少。相比之下,对 PBZ 的响应使茎小 80%,但不影响开花的数量。响应 BA 和 PBZ,球茎 (27.6 g) 的生物量分别提高了 32% 和 48%。维管束的数量和芽韧皮部面积在所有处理中都相似,而与对照植物(62 mm 2 血管)相比,血管元素的数量增加了 69%。对 GA 3 和 BA 的反应使叶子中表皮细胞的长度减少了 30% 到 48%,而对 PBZ 的反应没有观察到影响。通过应用 PBZ,叶肉宽度更大。最后,25 mg L -1 的 PBZ 足以减小茎的大小并改善它们作为盆栽植物的外观。PBZ 显着影响茎的大小,而 BA 引起芽败育。这项研究详细展示了生长调节剂如何改变百合的茎和叶的解剖结构以及根的发育。阿卡雄植物。6 g) 分别响应 BA 和 PBZ 提高了 32% 和 48%。维管束的数量和芽韧皮部面积在所有处理中都相似,而与对照植物(62 mm 2 血管)相比,血管元素的数量增加了 69%。对 GA 3 和 BA 的反应使叶子中表皮细胞的长度减少了 30% 到 48%,而对 PBZ 的反应没有观察到影响。通过应用 PBZ,叶肉宽度更大。最后,25 mg L -1 的 PBZ 足以减小茎的大小并改善它们作为盆栽植物的外观。PBZ 显着影响茎的大小,而 BA 引起芽败育。这项研究详细展示了生长调节剂如何改变百合的茎和叶的解剖结构以及根的发育。阿卡雄植物。6 g) 分别响应 BA 和 PBZ 提高了 32% 和 48%。维管束的数量和芽韧皮部面积在所有处理中都相似,而与对照植物(62 mm 2 血管)相比,血管元素的数量增加了 69%。对 GA 3 和 BA 的反应使叶子中表皮细胞的长度减少了 30% 到 48%,而对 PBZ 的反应没有观察到影响。通过应用 PBZ,叶肉宽度更大。最后,25 mg L -1 的 PBZ 足以减小茎的大小并改善它们作为盆栽植物的外观。PBZ 显着影响茎的大小,而 BA 引起芽败育。这项研究详细展示了生长调节剂如何改变百合的茎和叶的解剖结构以及根的发育。阿卡雄植物。