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A Book for Young Reader Highlights the Resilience and Persistence That Is Necessary for Children with Visual Impairments to Succeed in Life
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0145482x20973795
Auna Myong Namkung 1

I was asked by Editor in Chief Sandra Lewis to write a book review of Dog Driven, by Terry Lynn Johnson, because of my “expertise.” I have been diagnosed with the same eye condition as the main character of this book, and professionally, I am interested in the psychosocial effects of vision loss. Dog Driven is a book for young readers that follows the adventures of a girl named McKenna who finally admits to herself that she, like her older sister Emma, has developed the rare eye condition called Stargardt’s disease, which results in the loss of central vision. Before Emma learns of her sister’s visual impairment, she suggests McKenna compete in a dog sled race called the Great Superior Mail Run, which has the purpose of raising awareness about Stargardt’s disease in the hope that a cure will be discovered. When Emma learns that McKenna shares her eye condition, out of concern for her sister’s safety during the event, she urges McKenna to reveal her visual impairment to their parents. Not yet ready to adopt a new identity as a girl with a visual impairment, McKenna convinces Emma that her condition has not progressed to the point where she cannot compete in the race. The plot of the book is based on a pact the sisters make: If McKenna completes the race, she can reveal her secret in her own time; if she fails, it proves that her vision is compromised enough that she has to tell her parents.



由于我的“专业知识”,主编 Sandra Lewis 要求我写一篇 Terry Lynn Johnson 的《Dog Driven》的书评。我被诊断出患有与本书主角相同的眼部疾病,专业上,我对视力丧失的社会心理影响很感兴趣。Dog Driven 是一本面向年轻读者的书,讲述了一个名叫 McKenna 的女孩的冒险经历,她最终承认自己和她的姐姐 Emma 一样,患上了一种称为 Stargardt 病的罕见眼病,导致中央视力丧失。在艾玛得知她姐姐的视力障碍之前,她建议麦肯纳参加一场名为 Great Superior Mail Run 的狗拉雪橇比赛,目的是提高人们对斯塔加特病的认识,希望能找到治愈方法。当艾玛得知麦肯纳分享她的眼睛状况时,出于对她姐姐在活动期间的安全的担忧,她敦促麦肯纳向他们的父母透露她的视力障碍。麦肯纳还没有准备好接受视力障碍女孩的新身份,让艾玛相信她的病情还没有发展到无法参加比赛的地步。这本书的情节基于姐妹们达成的协议:如果麦肯纳完成比赛,她可以在自己的时间透露她的秘密;如果她失败了,就证明她的视力受到了很大的损害,她不得不告诉她的父母。麦肯纳说服艾玛,她的病情还没有发展到无法参加比赛的地步。这本书的情节基于姐妹们达成的协议:如果麦肯纳完成比赛,她可以在自己的时间透露她的秘密;如果她失败了,就证明她的视力受到了很大的损害,她不得不告诉她的父母。麦肯纳说服艾玛,她的病情还没有发展到无法参加比赛的地步。这本书的情节基于姐妹们达成的协议:如果麦肯纳完成比赛,她可以在自己的时间透露她的秘密;如果她失败了,就证明她的视力受到了很大的损害,她不得不告诉她的父母。