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Model, Medium, and Metaphor: Planning and Design Confront the Natural World
Journal of Urban History ( IF 0.347 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0096144220916193
Meredith Drake Reitan 1

These books under review span a variety of disciplines including architecture, planning, and landscape architecture. As a group, and to a greater or lesser extent individually, they view nature as a model, a medium, and a metaphor. As a model, nature serves as an example to imitate. Many of the authors recommend that natural systems and patterns be incorporated into contemporary design practice. Nature is also understood as the medium that sustains life and supports healthy human activities. Living with nature makes us happier and more productive. It can also help us heal. In this sense, nature is a metaphor. As Charles Waldheim writes, nature and natural landscapes are a “salve for the wounds of the industrial age” (p. 19).



这些正在审查的书籍涵盖了建筑,规划和景观建筑等多个学科。作为一个整体,或者在某种程度上或多或少地单独地,他们将自然视为模型,媒介和隐喻。作为典范,自然是模仿的榜样。许多作者建议将自然系统和样式纳入当代设计实践中。大自然也被理解为维持生命并支持人类健康活动的媒介。与大自然一起生活使我们更快乐,更有生产力。它还可以帮助我们治愈。从这个意义上说,自然就是一个隐喻。正如查尔斯·瓦尔德海姆(Charles Waldheim)所写,自然和自然景观是“工业时代伤口的救星”(第19页)。