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Book Review: A Genealogy of Dissent: The Progeny of Fallen Royals in Chosŏn Korea
Journal of Family History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0363199020950251
Christopher Lovins 1

Eugene Park is a familiar name to anyone studying Chosŏn society. With this book he offers us a kind of “sequel” to his previous investigation, the engrossing A Family of No Prominence, with an even more thorough and extensive exploration of another family during the Chosŏn era and beyond. Only this time, rather than a family of no prominence, the object of study is none other than the royal Wang clan, the ruling family of the preceding Koryŏ Kingdom. Park traces the descendants of Koryŏ’s monarchs after the establishment of Chosŏn, extending across all 500 years of that kingdom’s history to the present day. Peppered throughout are snippets from unofficial histories, family stories, and oral history. This is not a quantitative history. Rather, it is a blend of one (admittedly large and extended) family’s microhistory against a broad macrohistorical backdrop of political and social change over the 500 years of the Chosŏn Kingdom.



尤金公园(Eugene Park)是研究Chos Chon社会的任何人都熟悉的名字。通过这本书,他为我们提供了他以前的调查的“续集”,即充满魅力的“无突出家庭”在Chosŏn时代及其后,对另一个家庭进行了更彻底和广泛的探索。只是这次,研究的对象不是王室家族,而是前科里王国的王室王室。Park追溯了Chosŏn建立后Koryŏ君主的后裔,该王国的整个500年历史一直延续到今天。非正式的历史,家庭故事和口述史的摘要到处都是。这不是定量的历史。相反,它是一个(公认的大家族)家族的微观历史与朝鲜王国500年来政治和社会变革的广泛宏观历史背景的融合。