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The Animal Body As Medium: Taxidermy And European Expansion, 1775–1865*
Past & Present ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-28 , DOI: 10.1093/pastj/gtaa004
Alan S Ross 1

In 1779 the Dutch anatomist Petrus Camper published a treatise called Histoire naturelle de l’orang-outang, et de quelques autres singes, in which he described the dissection of an orang-utan. This work is widely acknowledged to have disentangled irrefutably the South-East Asian species of great ape from African chimpanzees, with which it had previously been confounded. The treatise is also noteworthy, however, because Camper gave a detailed account of his visits to the major cabinets of natural curiosities in Europe, and of his opinions on these collections. In fact, Camper was decidedly unhappy with his contemporaries’ attempts to preserve and publicly exhibit exotic animals. He was especially dismayed at the way a chimpanzee, the so-called Jocko, which had served as the model for an image in Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon’s Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière (1749–89), had been taxidermized and exhibited in Paris since the 1740s: ‘Nothing strikes me more than the impression given by the Jocko, so elegantly represented in the work by Buffon, which, when I saw it at the king’s cabinet in Paris, I found to be stuffed in the most disgusting fashion’.11 According to Camper, no one else could be blamed but the taxidermist, who had taken great licence in setting up the animal.22



1779年,荷兰解剖学家彼得鲁斯·坎珀(Petrus Camper)发表了一篇名为《自然史》的专着,,他在其中描述了猩猩的解剖。这项工作已广为人知,已与非洲黑猩猩毫无区别地将东南亚大猿种区分开来,而先前却对此感到困惑。然而,该论文也值得注意,因为Camper详细介绍了他对欧洲主要自然奇观的访问,以及对这些收藏的看法。实际上,露营者对他同时代人尝试保存和公开展示外来动物的尝试绝对不满意。对于黑猩猩(所谓的Jocko)曾是乔治·路易·勒克莱尔(Georges-Louis Leclerc),德·布冯(Buffon)的《自然历史》,《性别与特殊性》中的图像的模型,他尤其感到沮丧(1749–89),自1740年代起就在巴黎进行了动物标本剥制术并展出:“没有什么比乔科给人的印象更深刻的了,乔科给人的印象是布冯的作品中的优雅表现,当我在国王的内阁中看到时我发现巴黎塞满了最令人恶心的时尚。” 1 1据坎珀称,只有动物标本制作者被许可指责,而动物标本制作者已获得了极大的许可。2 2