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Life on Mars?: Hélène Smith, Clairvoyance, and Occult Media
Journal of Victorian Culture ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1093/jvcult/vcaa019
Christopher Keep 1

Turning away from the recent critical interest in spiritualism and its connections with the telegraph and wireless radio communications, this essay examines the mediumistic practices of Élise-Catherine Müller (or ‘Hélène Smith’) and the psychical faculty of clairvoyance. Smith’s capacity to project her mind to the shores of an alien world allows media scholars to consider the ways in which occult media afford alternative ways of imagining the relationships between self and other, actual and virtual, and presence and absence. In Smith’s accounts, detailed in transcripts of her séances produced by the noted Swiss psychologist Théodore Flournoy, and in a series of startling watercolour paintings produced by the medium herself, clairvoyance appears not as the uncanny other of the electric telegraph, a means of conveying coded signals from one place to another in real time, or even as a kind of psychic television, affording the viewer an opportunity to see and hear distant scenes. It models, instead, a kind of tele-presence, a mode of being in which the self and other, no less than the ‘here’ and ‘there’ of tele-communications, are shown to be deeply imbricated in one another. In the world of occult media, the essay concludes, communication is never as simple as sending and receiving – it is a problem of being.


