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Industry 4.0–the future of Austrian jobs
Empirica ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10663-020-09497-z
Peter Haiss , Bernhard Mahlberg , Daniel Michlits

What are the socio-economic effects of the widespread introduction of robots, algorithms and digital technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning? Following Frey and Osborne (London futures agiletown : the relentless march of technology and London’s response. Deloitte, 2014, Technol Forecast Social Change 114(C), 254–280, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.08.019) we apply the computerization probabilities to occupations in Austria. We conclude that about 40% of the Austrian workforce is active in occupations that are very likely to undergo substantial changes regarding task structure, skill requirement and working environment in the future, causing challenges and opportunities. We also provide evidence that compared to men, women in Austria seem more likely to be affected by technological changes, with sectoral orientation playing a role. Following EBRD (Skills, employment and automation. Chapter 2 in: EBRD (2018): Transition Report 2018–19, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London, 2018),we see a broader move towards job polarization. We see this as distributive consequences of technological change and argue that the consequences of technology refashioning socio-economic development are influencing market processes, actors and inequalities. As in previous technological advances, coping with these changes will require efforts on the individual as well as on the political level.


工业4.0 –奥地利工作的未来

机器人,算法和数字技术(如人工智能和机器学习)的广泛引入会对社会经济产生什么影响?紧随Frey和Osborne(伦敦期货敏捷城:不懈的技术进步和伦敦的回应。德勤,2014年,Technol Forecast Social Change 114(C),254-280,2017,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore .2016.08.019),我们将计算机化概率应用于奥地利的职业。我们得出的结论是,约40%的奥地利劳动力从事的职业很可能会在未来的任务结构,技能要求和工作环境方面发生重大变化,从而带来挑战和机遇。我们还提供了证据,与男性相比,奥地利的女性似乎更容易受到技术变革的影响,部门导向的作用。继欧洲复兴开发银行(《技能,就业和自动化》,第2章:欧洲复兴开发银行(2018):《 2018-19年过渡报告》,欧洲复兴开发银行,伦敦,2018年)之后,我们看到了朝着两极化的更广泛的方向。我们认为这是技术变革的分配后果,并认为技术重塑社会经济发展的后果正在影响市场过程,参与者和不平等。与以前的技术进步一样,应对这些变化将需要个人以及政治上的努力。我们认为这是技术变革的分配后果,并认为技术重塑社会经济发展的后果正在影响市场过程,参与者和不平等。与以前的技术进步一样,应对这些变化将需要个人以及政治上的努力。我们认为这是技术变革的分配后果,并认为技术重塑社会经济发展的后果正在影响市场过程,参与者和不平等。与以前的技术进步一样,应对这些变化将需要个人以及政治上的努力。
