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Book Review: When the War Came Home: The Ottomans’ Great War and the Devastation of an Empire Yiğit Akın
War in History ( IF 0.171 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0968344520927859b
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According to the author, the Irish volunteers found an unfamiliar and hostile environment in Italy, due to both military and logistic reasons. Moreover, the Irish were ‘raw recruits who were neither disciplined nor organised’ (p. 86). Chapters 7 to 10 are devoted to the participation in the war by the Irish volunteers: the author closely analyses the development of the military campaign in central Italy in September 1860. The Irish Brigade, as showed in chapter 11, returned to a hero’s welcome, but soon faded from public consciousness. The book ends with three appendices: a list of the brigade’s members, a list of passport application sponsors, and the decorations awarded in 1860 to the Irish volunteers. In the early 2000s, the French historian Gilles Pécout led the ‘Volontaires dans la Méditerraneé’ project, which sought to review the extent and the characteristics of war volunteering in nineteenth-century Europe, focusing specifically on the south of the continent. The researchers involved sought to gain an understanding of the political cultures which inspired generations of volunteers. Pécout wondered if, among these generations, there was a subscription to broader political ideals that went beyond a mere ‘romantic’ engagement with the phenomenon of war volunteering. Furthermore, over the last decade, historians have extensively studied the phenomenon of transnational war volunteering, one of the continuous themes in the discussions about the subject is, again, the question of volunteers’ motivations. Why did the Irish volunteers travel to Italy? Corcoran addresses this essential question, arguing that ‘the men who went to Italy were motivated by a combination of religious fervour, nationalist patriotism, a desire to fight and a thirst for adventure’ (p. 157). Brigade members perceived their enemies to be England and Garibaldi. While this is one of the first books on foreign volunteers who fought in the Italian Risorgimento, it still leaves much room for additional studies on this interesting topic.


书评:当战争来临:奥斯曼帝国的大战和帝国的毁灭 Yiğit Akın

据提交人称,由于军事和后勤方面的原因,爱尔兰志愿者在意大利发现了一个陌生而充满敌意的环境。此外,爱尔兰人是“既没有纪律也没有组织的新兵”(第 86 页)。第 7 章至第 10 章专门讲述爱尔兰志愿军参战:作者仔细分析了 1860 年 9 月意大利中部军事行动的发展。如第 11 章所示,爱尔兰旅再次受到英雄般的欢迎,但很快就从公众意识中消失了。本书以三个附录结尾:该旅的成员名单、护照申请赞助商名单以及 1860 年授予爱尔兰志愿者的勋章。在 2000 年代初期,法国历史学家 Gilles Pécout 领导了“Volontaires dans la Méditerraneé”项目,它试图回顾 19 世纪欧洲战争志愿服务的范围和特征,特别关注欧洲大陆的南部。参与的研究人员试图了解激励几代志愿者的政治文化。Pécout 想知道,在这几代人中,是否存在对更广泛的政治理想的认同,而不仅仅是对战争志愿现象的“浪漫”参与。此外,在过去十年中,历史学家广泛研究了跨国战争志愿服务现象,关于该主题的讨论中持续的主题之一再次是志愿人员的动机问题。爱尔兰志愿者为何前往意大利?Corcoran 解决了这个基本问题,认为“前往意大利的人的动机是宗教热情、民族主义爱国主义、战斗的愿望和冒险的渴望”(第 157 页)。旅成员认为他们的敌人是英格兰和加里波第。虽然这是第一本关于在意大利复兴运动中战斗的外国志愿者的书籍之一,但它仍然为这个有趣的话题留下了很大的研究空间。