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Book Review: The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire A. Wess Mitchell
War in History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0968344519887617d
Caleb Karges 1

with those data, prosopography could be employed to trace the evolution of a social organism over the course of three decades. We also need to think about the purpose that case studies serve and how best to frame them. As with the Lancastrian affinity under John of Gaunt’s lordship, Henry of Lancaster’s retinue should leave the researcher wondering whether the reconstructed patterns of service and social connection were representative of the wider military community at that time. Gribit makes some useful comparisons with existing scholarship, but an obvious next step would be to compare Lancaster’s retinue with the four others in the army, which altogether contributed half of the retinue-based personnel, a contracted total of 500 men-at-arms and archers. And, given the diverse backgrounds and levels of experience that Ralph Stafford, Walter Mauny, Laurence Hastings, earl of Pembroke, and James Audley (who did not serve in person) brought to the task of recruitment, we might expect to find instructive variation in the mechanics of retinue formation against which Lancaster’s experience could be compared. An obvious conclusion to draw from research of this kind is that it is the personal – rather than institutionalized – basis of recruitment to medieval armies that makes applying the prosopographical approach particularly rewarding. And for the same reason, another collective entity essential to Lancaster’s expedition that would benefit from a similar approach is the transport fleet of requisitioned vessels that took his army to Aquitaine. We are fortunate in having a roll recording the ship’s name, home port, master’s name, and crew numbers for each of the 152 vessels in the fleet. As with the men in Lancaster’s army, these identifiable ships and their masters had past and future lives that can be reconstructed and home communities that were affected by their involvement in the king’s war. Maritime logistics and, indeed, the operations of war fleets remain pregnant with prosopographical research possibilities. We should not criticize Nicholas Gribit for failing to follow this line of enquiry in his book, for it was surely beyond his remit. What can be said, however, is that it is high time the traditional and surely untenable gulf that exists between the land-based and maritime spheres of the Hundred Years War is filled in. Methodologies that may be applied equally profitably to both could perhaps provide a means of achieving this.


书评:哈布斯堡帝国的大战略 A. Wess Mitchell

有了这些数据,就可以使用体位法来追踪一个社会有机体在三个十年的过程中的演变。我们还需要考虑案例研究的目的以及如何最好地构建它们。正如冈特的约翰在约翰统治下的兰开斯特亲缘关系一样,兰开斯特的随从亨利应该让研究人员怀疑,重建的服役和社会联系模式是否代表了当时更广泛的军事社区。Gribit 与现有的奖学金进行了一些有用的比较,但显然下一步是将兰开斯特的随从与军队中的其他四名进行比较,后者总共贡献了一半的随从人员,合同总数为 500 名士兵和弓箭手。而且,鉴于拉尔夫·斯塔福德、沃尔特·莫尼 (Walter Mauny) 的不同背景和经验水平,彭布罗克伯爵劳伦斯·黑斯廷斯和詹姆斯·奥德利(没有亲自服役)承担了招募任务,我们可能期望在可以比较兰开斯特经验的随从编队机制中找到有益的变化。从这类研究中得出的一个明显结论是,中世纪军队招募的个人基础——而不是制度化基础——使得应用序言方法特别有益。出于同样的原因,兰开斯特远征的另一个重要集体实体将受益于类似的方法,是将他的军队带到阿基坦的被征用船只的运输船队。幸运的是,我们拥有一份记录船队名称、母港、船长姓名和船队 152 艘船舶中每一艘的船员编号的卷。与兰开斯特军队中的人一样,这些可辨认的船只及其主人的过去和未来生活可以重建,家庭社区因参与国王战争而受到影响。海上物流,事实上,战争舰队的运作仍然孕育着专业学研究的可能性。我们不应该批评 Nicholas Gribit 没有在他的书中遵循这条探究路线,因为这肯定超出了他的职权范围。然而,可以说,百年战争中陆基和海洋领域之间存在的传统且肯定站不住脚的鸿沟是时候填补了。可能对两者同样有利可图的方法论或许可以提供实现这一目标的一种手段。这些可辨认的船只和它们的主人拥有可以重建的过去和未来的生活,以及因参与国王战争而受到影响的家庭社区。海上物流,事实上,战争舰队的运作仍然孕育着专业学研究的可能性。我们不应该批评 Nicholas Gribit 没有在他的书中遵循这条探究路线,因为这肯定超出了他的职权范围。然而,可以说,百年战争中陆基和海洋领域之间存在的传统且肯定站不住脚的鸿沟是时候填补了。可能对两者同样有利可图的方法论或许可以提供实现这一目标的一种手段。这些可辨认的船只和它们的主人拥有可以重建的过去和未来的生活,以及因参与国王战争而受到影响的家庭社区。海上物流,事实上,战争舰队的运作仍然孕育着专业学研究的可能性。我们不应该批评 Nicholas Gribit 没有在他的书中遵循这条探究路线,因为这肯定超出了他的职权范围。然而,可以说,百年战争中陆基和海洋领域之间存在的传统且肯定站不住脚的鸿沟是时候填补了。可能对两者同样有利可图的方法论或许可以提供实现这一目标的一种手段。事实上,战争舰队的运作仍然孕育着专业学研究的可能性。我们不应该批评 Nicholas Gribit 没有在他的书中遵循这条探究路线,因为这肯定超出了他的职权范围。然而,可以说,百年战争中陆基和海洋领域之间存在的传统且肯定站不住脚的鸿沟是时候填补了。可能对两者同样有利可图的方法论或许可以提供实现这一目标的一种手段。事实上,战争舰队的运作仍然孕育着专业学研究的可能性。我们不应该批评 Nicholas Gribit 没有在他的书中遵循这条探究路线,因为这肯定超出了他的职权范围。然而,可以说,百年战争中陆基和海洋领域之间存在的传统且肯定站不住脚的鸿沟是时候填补了。可能对两者同样有利可图的方法论或许可以提供实现这一目标的一种手段。