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Tribute to Gunther Kress (1940–2019): reflecting on visuals that shaped his work
Visual Communication ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1470357219883517
Jeff Bezemer , Carey Jewitt , Theo Van Leeuwen

Gunther Rolf Kress passed away suddenly as we gathered in Rome, June 2019, to attend the A-MODE conference at which he was to give a keynote speech. To celebrate his tremendous contribution, particularly to visual communication (see Bezemer, 2019, for an overview of Gunther’s work), we return to some visuals that we worked on with Gunther to begin to reflect upon and explore how to take his legacy forward. Gunther typically worked with what he called ‘knock-out examples’, i.e. texts, or fragments of texts, suitable for his analytical, theoretical and rhetorical functions. They came from his own lifeworld and research projects by and/or conducted with colleagues. They reflect his ‘interest’: ‘interest directs my attention to something that engages me, at this moment’ (Kress, 2010: 50–51). At different points in his life, in culturally, socially and institutionally different environments, Gunther selected examples from literature, newspapers, materials produced by (his) children, travel guides, images of buildings and public signs; and supplemented these with examples taken from corpora of video recordings of classroom interactions, textbooks, blogs and so on, collected by others. These corpora gave him access to worlds he often had no direct experience of yet that he believed could and should be accounted for in social semiotic terms: the world of a contemporary classroom in London or a museum in Athens, of young people on communication platforms, such as Snapchat, the world of health care, the world of communities with no speech, and so on. Each one of us has worked with Gunther on different sets of examples, at different points in his life. The ones we discuss below all speak to Gunther’s interest in recognizing the meaning potential of the visual, which became so central in his academic career from the late 1980s.


向冈瑟·克雷斯 (Gunther Kress) (1940–2019) 致敬:反思塑造他作品的视觉效果

2019 年 6 月,当我们聚集在罗马参加 A-MODE 会议时,Gunther Rolf Kress 突然去世,他将在会上发表主题演讲。为了庆祝他的巨大贡献,尤其是在视觉传达方面的贡献(参见 Bezemer,2019 年,了解 Gunther 的作品概述),我们回到与 Gunther 合作的一些视觉效果,开始反思和探索如何继承他的遗产。冈瑟通常使用他所谓的“敲除例子”,即适合他的分析、理论和修辞功能的文本或文本片段。它们来自他自己的生活世界和由同事和/或与同事一起进行的研究项目。它们反映了他的“兴趣”:“兴趣将我的注意力引向此刻吸引我的事物上”(Kress,2010:50-51)。在他生命的不同阶段,在文化上,社会和制度上不同的环境,冈瑟从文学、报纸、(他的)孩子制作的材料、旅游指南、建筑物图像和公共标志中选择了例子;并用其他人收集的课堂互动、教科书、博客等的视频记录语料库中的例子来补充这些。这些语料库让他能够接触到他认为可以而且应该用社会符号学术语来解释的他经常没有直接体验的世界:伦敦当代教室或雅典博物馆的世界,交流平台上的年轻人的世界,比如 Snapchat、医疗保健的世界、没有语言的社区的世界等等。我们每个人都与冈瑟合作过不同的例子,在他生命的不同阶段。