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Introduction: Special issue on ‘Policing, migration and national identity’
Theoretical Criminology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1362480619898015
Ana Aliverti

For some time, the mobility of the global poor has been framed as a national security problem and policy priority for governments and inter-governmental institutions across the world (D’Appollonia and Reich, 2008; Guild, 2003; Huysmans, 2006). In this context, the police have been routinely tasked with detecting unwanted foreigners and routing them out of the country (Armenta, 2017; Weber, 2013) or, as Giulia Fabini (2017) explained in the case of Italy, with managing ‘illegality’. Increasingly, the policing of the border occurs inland and migration controls are becoming ingrained in ‘homeland policing’ (Gundhus and Aas, 2016; Weber and Bowling, 2004).



一段时间以来,全球穷人的流动性一直被视为国家安全问题和世界各国政府和政府间机构的政策优先事项(D'Appollonia 和 Reich,2008 年;Guild,2003 年;Huysmans,2006 年)。在这种情况下,警察的日常任务是检测不受欢迎的外国人并将他们驱逐出境(Armenta,2017 年;Weber,2013 年),或者如 Giulia Fabini(2017 年)在意大利的案例中解释的那样,负责管理“非法” . 边境警务越来越多地发生在内陆,移民控制在“国土警务”中变得根深蒂固(Gundhus 和 Aas,2016 年;Weber 和 Bowling,2004 年)。