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Death and the Schools: A Psychological Plan of Action
The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child ( IF 0.333 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00797308.2019.1557481
Paul M. Brinich 1, 2

ABSTRACT Death comes more often to schools than we like to think. Whether it be the death of a grandparent, parent, sibling, schoolmate, friend, or teacher, it is virtually impossible for a school to go for more than a year without some member of the immediate school “family” experiencing a personal loss. It is especially sobering to realize that about 100 children between the ages of 5 and 19 die every day in the United States. Most of these children are enrolled in school at the time of their deaths. School personnel are in a unique and privileged position to help children cope with the feelings (especially anxiety, sadness, and anger) that are stimulated by the death of a classmate, teacher, or family member. This paper outlines a plan of action designed to ensure that the school’s response is psychologically sound, comprehensive, and integrated within the wider community. In writing this paper I have tried to avoid the use of psychological or psychoanalytic jargon in favor of plain English, a practice recommended by Anna Freud, who provided a model for this practice in her writings.



摘要死亡比我们想像的更多地发生在学校。无论是祖父母,父母,兄弟姐妹,同学,朋友或老师的死亡,如果没有直属学校“家庭”的某些成员遭受个人损失,学校就不可能生存超过一年。尤其令人震惊的是,在美国每天有大约100名5至19岁的儿童死亡。这些儿童大多数在死亡时入学。学校工作人员处于独特而特权的地位,可以帮助孩子应对同学,老师或家庭成员去世所激发的情绪(尤其是焦虑,悲伤和愤怒)。本文概述了一项行动计划,旨在确保学校的回应在心理上是合理的,全面的,并整合到更广泛的社区中。在撰写本文时,我曾尝试避免使用心理学或心理分析术语来支持普通英语,这是安娜·弗洛伊德(Anna Freud)推荐的一种做法,安娜·弗洛伊德(Anna Freud)在她的著作中提供了这种做法的模型。