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Providing Freshmen with a Good “Starting-Block”
European Journal of Psychology Open ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1024/1421-0185/a000217
Mikaël De Clercq 1 , Charlotte Michel 1 , Sophie Remy 1 , Benoît Galand 1

Grounded in social-psychological literature, this experimental study assessed the effects of two so-called “wise” interventions implemented in a student study program. The interventions took place during the very first week at university, a presumed pivotal phase of transition. A group of 375 freshmen in psychology were randomly assigned to three conditions: control, social belonging, and self-affirmation. Following the intervention, students in the social-belonging condition expressed less social apprehension, a higher social integration, and a stronger intention to persist one month later than the other participants. They also relied more on peers as a source of support when confronted with a study task. Students in the self-affirmation condition felt more self-affirmed at the end of the intervention but didn’t benefit from other lasting effects. The results suggest that some well-timed and well-targeted “wise” interventions could provide lasting positive consequences for student adjustment. The respective merits of social-belonging and self-affirmation interventions are also discussed.



这项实验研究以社会心理学文献为基础,评估了在学生学习计划中实施的两种所谓“明智”干预措施的效果。干预发生在大学的第一周,这是一个假定的过渡阶段。一组 375 名心理学新生被随机分配到三个条件:控制、社会归属和自我肯定。干预后,处于社会归属状态的学生比其他参与者表现出更少的社会恐惧、更高的社会融合和更强的坚持一个月的意愿。在面对学习任务时,他们也更多地依赖同龄人作为支持的来源。处于自我肯定状态的学生在干预结束时感觉更加自我肯定,但并没有从其他持久影响中受益。结果表明,一些适时且针对性强的“明智”干预措施可以为学生的适应带来持久的积极影响。还讨论了社会归属感和自我肯定干预各自的优点。