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Orthodoxy as Project: Temporality and Action in an American Protestant Denomination
Sociology of Religion ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srw011
Sorcha A. Brophy

The term “orthodox” is often used to characterize religious communities who understand themselves to hold a stable set of practices or beliefs. However, as is the case with any group, orthodox communities experience ideological fragmentation and change. How then, do communities who identify as orthodox maintain the perception of orthodoxy in spite of ideological fragmentation and change? I describe activities engaged in by a conservative Protestant denomination in the service of orthodoxy. I draw on archival and field research in this denomination in order to demonstrate how the orthodox: (i) project future threats; (ii) develop strategies for obstruction; and (iii) coordinate in-group interactions.



“正统”一词通常用于描述那些了解自己持有一套稳定的做法或信仰的宗教团体。然而,与任何团体的情况一样,正统社区会经历意识形态的分裂和变化。那么,尽管意识形态分裂和变化,认定为正统的社区如何保持对正统的看法?我描述了一个保守的新教教派为正统服务所从事的活动。我利用该教派的档案和实地研究来证明正统派如何:(i) 预测未来的威胁;(ii) 制定阻挠策略;(iii) 协调小组内的互动。