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Searching for Work with a Criminal Record
Social Problems ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-06 , DOI: 10.1093/socpro/spz009
Sandra Susan Smith 1 , Nora C R Broege 2

To date, researchers have been very attentive to how the stigma of criminality informs employers’ hiring decisions, and, in the process, diminishes the employment opportunities afforded to jobseekers so stigmatized. Few researchers, however, have investigated the extent to which criminal records also shape jobseekers’ search strategies in ways that either attenuate or amplify the effects of their negative credentials. We fill this gap in the literature by investigating how arrest, conviction, and incarceration affect the scope of jobseekers’ search efforts as well as the specific methods they deploy. We then examine the extent to which gaps in job search success can be attributed to stigmatized jobseekers’ search strategies. Analysis of the NLSY97 reveals that arrestees and former prisoners (but not ex-convicts) are disadvantaged both by the scope of their search efforts and by the specific methods they use. Arrestees are less likely than non-offenders to find work during the search process because they use fewer search methods, and because they over-invest in ineffective methods while under-investing in more effective methods. Although former prisoners are also disadvantaged by over- and under-investing, we primarily attribute their lower odds of search success to the differential impacts of their search strategies. Even when the scope and nature of their searches mirror those of non-offenders, their searches are less likely to end successfully. By bringing “search” into debates on punishment and inequality, we provide a new and complementary way to understand how a criminal record negatively affects jobseekers’ chances of finding work.



迄今为止,研究人员一直非常关注犯罪的污名如何影响雇主的招聘决定,并在此过程中减少了为受到如此污名的求职者提供的就业机会。然而,很少有研究人员调查过犯罪记录在多大程度上影响了求职者的搜索策略,从而减弱或放大了他们的负面证书的​​影响。我们通过调查逮捕、定罪和监禁如何影响求职者的搜索工作范围以及他们采用的具体方法来填补文献中的这一空白。然后,我们研究了求职成功的差距在多大程度上可以归因于被污名化的求职者的求职策略。对 NLSY97 的分析表明,被捕者和前囚犯(但不是前囚犯)在搜查工作的范围和他们使用的具体方法方面都处于不利地位。被捕者在搜索过程中比非罪犯找到工作的可能性更小,因为他们使用的搜索方法较少,并且因为他们过度投资于无效的方法而对更有效的方法投资不足。尽管前囚犯也因过度投资和投资不足而处于不利地位,但我们主要将他们较低的搜索成功几率归因于他们搜索策略的不同影响。即使他们的搜索范围和性质与非犯罪者的搜索范围和性质相同,他们的搜索也不太可能成功结束。通过将“搜索”带入关于惩罚和不平等的辩论中,