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Can Carelessness Be Captured? Assessing Careless Responding in Attitudes Toward Novel Stimuli
Social Cognition ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1521/soco.2019.37.5.468
Morgan A. Conway 1 , Brian O'Shea 2, 3 , Liz Redford 4 , Gabrielle Pogge 4 , Richard A. Klein 5 , Kate A. Ratliff 4

Detecting careless responding has the potential to improve the quality of data obtained from research participants. In three samples (ns = 570, 602, 210), we used multiple indices of careless responding to predict the strength of implicit and explicit attitudes formed toward novel social groups as well as error rates on the Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). We tested each measure of careless responding on its own, simultaneously with other predictors, and with Bayesian analyses. In all three samples, there were strong and consistent effects such that more careful participants made fewer overall errors on the IAT; however, careless responding did not consistently predict implicit and explicit attitudes formed toward novel social groups. These results suggest that caution should be exercised when removing participants based on indices of careless responding.



检测粗心的响应可能会提高从研究参与者那里获得的数据质量。在三个样本(ns = 570、602、210)中,我们使用了粗心反应的多个指标来预测对新型社会群体形成的内隐和外露态度的强度以及内隐联想测验(IAT; Greenwald,McGhee) ,&Schwartz,1998)。我们与其他预测变量以及贝叶斯分析同时对每种粗心应对措施进行了测试。在所有三个样本中,都产生了强大而一致的影响,因此,更谨慎的参与者对IAT的总体错误更少;然而,粗心的回答并不能始终预测对新的社会群体形成的内隐和外在态度。