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The Hubris Hypothesis: People Particularly Dislike Explicitly Comparative Braggers from Their Ingroup
Social Cognition ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1521/soco.2019.37.4.405
Vera Hoorens 1 , Carolien Van Damme 1 , Constantine Sedikides 2

Observers dislike explicit self-superiority claimants (asserting they are superior to others) relative to implicit self-superiority claimants (asserting they are good). The hubris hypothesis provides an explanation: Observers infer from an explicit (but not implicit) claim that the claimant views others, and therefore the observers, negatively. We provided a novel test of the hubris hypothesis by manipulating the claim’s relevance to the observers’ identity. A self-superiority claim may imply a particularly negative view of observers, if an ingroup claimant compares the self to the ingroup. We predicted that (1) observers would particularly dislike an explicit (vs. implicit) ingroup claimant, who compared the self to their ingroup, and (2) observers’ dislike for an explicit ingroup claimant would be due to the inference that the claimant held a negative view of them. Two experiments, involving minimal (N = 100) and natural (N = 114) groups, supported the predictions.



相对于隐含的自我优势要求者(断言他们是好人),观察者不喜欢显式的自我优势要求者(断言他们优于其他人)。狂妄自大的假设提供了一种解释:观察者从一个明确的(但不是隐性的)推断中,主张者对他人(因此观察者)持负面看法。通过操纵声称与观察者身份的相关性,我们提供了对傲慢假设的新颖检验。如果团体内索赔人将自我与团体内的人进行比较,那么自我优越的主张可能意味着观察者的看法特别消极。我们预测,(1)观察者会特别不喜欢显式(相对于隐式)群体内索赔人,后者将自我与其群体内的人进行了比较,(2)观察者不喜欢明确的集体索赔人,这是由于推断索赔人对其持有否定看法。涉及最少(N = 100)和自然(N = 114)组的两个实验支持了这一预测。