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Time Across the Lines: Collaborative Wonderings Under COVID-19
Qualitative Inquiry ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1077800420962476
Brook Bolander 1 , Philippa Smith 2

In this article, we “write-to” time from an autoethnographic perspective. Working intra-actively via a dialogic play script form, we collaboratively wonder about time during our experiences of COVID-19 as it relates to a compression of offline into online spaces. Presenting conversations we’ve had together over email, WhatsApp, and Google docs, with the reviewers of this Special Issue, and with scholarship, we foreground three main questions: What does time mean? How has our sense of time changed? And what is the link between these meanings and changes and the relationship between online and offline spaces?


跨越时间线:COVID-19 下的协作奇迹

在这篇文章中,我们从自民族志的角度“书写”时间。通过对话游戏脚本形式,我们在内部积极工作,共同思考在经历 COVID-19 期间的时间,因为它涉及到线下空间向线上空间的压缩。通过展示我们通过电子邮件、WhatsApp 和 Google 文档与本期特刊的审稿人以及学术界进行的对话,我们提出了三个主要问题:时间意味着什么?我们的时间观念发生了怎样的变化?而这些意义和变化与线上线下空间的关系有何联系?