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Touching Matters: Affective Entanglements in Coronatime
Qualitative Inquiry ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1077800420960167
Vivienne Bozalek 1, 2 , Denise Newfield 3 , Nike Romano 4 , Lieve Carette 5 , Katharine Naidu 6 , Veronica Mitchell 7 , Alex Noble 4

This article troubles touch as requiring embodied proximity, through an affective account of virtual touch during coronatime. Interested in doing academia differently, we started an online Barad readingwriting group from different locations. The coronatime void was not a vacuum, but a plenitude of possibilities for intimacy, pedagogy, learning, creativity, and adventure. Although physically apart, we met daily through Zoom, and we touched and were touched by each other and the texts we read. A montage of writing fragments and a collective artwork, based on the Massive_Micro project, highlight virtual touching. Undone, redone, and reconfigured, we became a diffractive human/nonhuman multiplicity.



本文通过对新冠时期虚拟触摸的情感描述,对需要体现接近性的触摸感到困扰。出于对以不同方式从事学术工作的兴趣,我们在不同地点成立了一个在线巴拉德阅读写作小组。新冠时期的空虚并不是真空,而是充满了亲密、教育、学习、创造力和冒险的可能性。尽管身体上分开,我们每天都通过 Zoom 见面,我们互相感动,也被彼此和我们读到的文字所感动。基于 Massive_Micro 项目的文字片段蒙太奇和集体艺术作品突出了虚拟触摸。经过撤销、重做和重新配置,我们成为了具有衍射性的人类/非人类多样性。