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Finances, religion, and the FAAR model: How religion exacerbates and alleviates financial stress.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality ( IF 3.673 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-31 , DOI: 10.1037/rel0000294
Ashley B. LeBaron , Heather H. Kelley , E. Jeffrey Hill , Quinn Galbraith

Implications & Conclusions Theme 1: Religion Exacerbated Financial Stress Concept 1a: Religion increased financial obligations. John (male, Amish Mennonite): “We moved to Ireland 20 years ago to bring the Gospel to the Irish people. . . . We could’ve probably had a lot more money if we had stayed in the States and built the business that we had going then, but we felt . . . [that] if there is a way to help people come to know the Lord, that is what we want to do.” Concept 1b: Religion required time sacrifice. Omar (male, Muslim): “I decided that if I want to be . . . committed to religion, I need to really pray five times a day. . . . That forces everything else to fit around it— putting second work and social activities, even free time.” Concept 1c: Religious values clashed with work. Ali (male, Muslim): “I decided not to work in finance because some of the finance activities do not agree with my religion.” Concept 1d: Religious values clashed with materialism. Anne (female, Episcopalian): “There is this expectation of having certain things and living a certain way. There is an expectation that this is how you would live, this is the type of holidays you would go one, and these are the type of cars you would drive. That can be difficult for families if you . . . don’t necessarily have the same values.”


财务、宗教和 FAAR 模型:宗教如何加剧和缓解财务压力。

影响与结论 主题 1:宗教加剧了财务压力 概念 1a:宗教增加了财务义务。约翰(男性,阿米什门诺派教徒):“我们 20 年前搬到爱尔兰,将福音带给爱尔兰人民。. . . 如果我们留在美国并建立我们当时要做的业务,我们可能会有更多的钱,但我们觉得。. . [那] 如果有办法帮助人们认识主,那就是我们想要做的。” 概念 1b:宗教需要时间牺牲。奥马尔(男性,穆斯林):“我决定,如果我想成为 . . . 致力于宗教,我真的需要每天祈祷五次。. . . 这迫使其他一切都适应它——把第二份工作和社交活动,甚至是空闲时间。” 概念 1c:宗教价值观与工作发生冲突。阿里(男性,穆斯林):“我决定不从事金融工作,因为有些金融活动不符合我的宗教信仰。” 概念 1d:宗教价值观与唯物主义发生冲突。安妮(女,圣公会教徒):“人们期望拥有某些东西并以某种方式生活。人们期望这就是你的生活方式,这是你会去的假期类型,这些是你会开的汽车类型。如果您这样做,这对家庭来说可能会很困难。. . 不一定具有相同的值。” 这些是你会驾驶的汽车类型。如果您这样做,这对家庭来说可能会很困难。. . 不一定具有相同的值。” 这些是你会驾驶的汽车类型。如果您这样做,这对家庭来说可能会很困难。. . 不一定具有相同的值。”